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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2022


  • I would say that you can be vegan and still be eating food that was shipped in on boats then trucks. Vegan would be a net positive for any switch from the conventional western diet, but I see the merit in focusing in on carbon footprint of the food in question. And as potentially silly as calling oneself a ‘regenivore’ is, it still conveys a message and invitation for others to learn about alternatives and things they might too value.

  • I recommend obsidian as well! It uses markdown which has hashtags, but brings a wealth of formatting tools and linking between notes. I searched high and low for a solution for my notes and landed on that. I do use 1Writer for my iPhone and then sync Obsidian on desktop with SyncThing (didn’t want to pay for obsidian sync).

  • Without knowing more of the specifics I can recommend some general tips. It sounds like, from “knit everything together”, you have a bag of scenes that you started because you liked them but didn’t necessarily have how they fit together in mind. That’s ok but it’s a little bit the “we’ll fix it in post” approach - but that’s what editing is for! Just takes longer.

    Ok, if that’s the premise I would say my favorite way to tie scenes together is by them ‘rhyming’, Fifth Element does this beautifully. Every transition somehow rhymes with the how the scene before it ended. It’s not a copy however, a character lighting a cigarette at the end of a scene isn’t matched by another lit cigarette but it could be a plume of exhaust from a car, or characters around a fire, or perhaps someone coughing from a punch in the stomach. All you’re doing is rhyming with how the scene before ended. Bonus points if it emphasizes the scene somehow, totally fine if it’s just a transition into something engaging.

  • Just wanting to clarify a difference from the copy paste edit, particularly the claim about cyberpsychosis. Here’s the paragraph from the article, parentheses are my addition:

    A new Edgerunners perk allows you to even surpass that (the limit of cyberware), while accepting some penalties, like having a health debuff. “It’s all about this balance between risk and reward,” Sasko explained. “We are not going as far as the introduction of cyberpsychosis though, have that in mind.”

    I would probably enjoy some gameplay mechanic of cyberpsychosis but I’m not sure how they would pull that off outside of a scripted story sequence. For the most part, players are already gunning down everyone in the room, so cyberpsychosis only has meaningful impact if you end up killing someone you wanted to protect. I imagine it would be hard for that situation to show up organically.