I propose a backwards pineapple
I propose a backwards pineapple
It’s not his Resolute Desk
These flocks would be far less likely to get infected if they were living better lives and conditions than under corporate agri-business planning and rule
I am still annoyed at all the news using verbiage like “the avian flu outbreak that has killed 14.7 million…” when in fact the avian flu didn’t kill them. The corporate farmers did the killing usually using horribly inhumane methods (like “foaming” and “Ventilation Shutdown”)
then a human worker inside will fetch the item off the shelf for you
Soon enough that robot will complete that whole transaction and the humans will not be needed
I guess I am starting to be okay with “leaning in” and taking advantage off my “old guy” (false) technical ineptitude and will just pretend to shuffle up to a store employee and ask them to open those cabinets for me
…and now I see this article with the inexplicable statement “The transport ministry said it will ensure a 240-metre (787-ft) long runway safety area at all airports to meet all relevant regulations. The area at Muan airport was about 200 metres long before the crash.” As if a whopping 40 more meters would have made a fuck all amount of difference in this instance
Bird flu has killed millions of hens in recent weeks
Not true. Bird flu is detected in a factory farm after a small amount of hens die or their behavior changes because of the disease. Once the disease is tested for and confirmed then the corporation that owns the birds and/or the laws of the state dictate that the only “cost-effective” way to handle the disease outbreak is to “depopulate” the farm using any number of unethical means such as “foaming” or ventilation shutdown
Aaaand…they released him and he is back in Tripoli already
we get plastic
…in our waterways and oceans and everywhere else as microbeads
Anything that a person (or two) can unlock, lift up and move out of the way isn’t even close to structurally sound enough to stop a large vehicle with speed, mass and determination on its side.
I’d love to know what was the thinking behind having a concrete wall at the end of a runway
…except for the prayer and fasting parts.
UHC alleged Shooter… FTFY
better if I could eat that for breakfast
I consider this as a plus
Here’s hoping for a hot oil explosion
hit me with your breakup hammer…
Fight Club, Amélie, The Crow (original), To Live and Die in LA