How’s it compare to greenshot?
How’s it compare to greenshot?
After several years of using Linux for work and school, I made the leap to daily driving linux on my personal computer. I stuck with it for two years. Hundreds of hours I sunk into an endless stream of inane troubleshooting. Linux preys on my desire to fix stuff and my insane belief that just one more change, suggested by just one more obscure forum post will fix the issue.
… the lack of an increment operation, no “continue” instruction, and array indices starting from 1 instead of 0. These differences can be jarring
The Japan Times reported that at Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings’ (Tepco) Kashiwazaki Kariwa nuclear power plant officials “confirmed Monday that water from a spent fuel pool spilled over due to the earthquake, but that no abnormalities in operation had been detected”. In an update issued on Tuesday, Tepco said: “At the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear power plant, the readings on the stack monitors and monitoring posts installed at the power plant site boundaries are within normal fluctuation ranges, and there is no radioactivity impact on the outside world. The spent fuel pool cooling system is in operation at all units, and there are no abnormalities in fuel cooling. As of 12:25 pm on 2 January, all patrols had been completed and no abnormalities caused by this earthquake were confirmed.”
Seams to be pretty heavily biased toward popular tv-ma original dramas.
I think it depends on the game. I am studying the Blades in the Dark rulebook and really loving the detail. I think what makes a big difference is that the details provided feel like they would actually help with GM prep. This is a first for me. So many modules and rule books provide details while somehow being utterly useless. My advice would be to play test the system and only write down the kinds of details that actually made a difference in your prep and games. There is such a night and day difference I am feeling with this rulebook and I dont think its at all obvious to the casual observer. Got to get out of that author mindset and into a gm one. Thow out all that inspiration drivel and make actual facts out of the world that would matter and lead to plothooks for a campaign. … that is if you want to, generic systems are good too.
If I recal, this site is a side project by one of the brave devs but dont discount the results. Brave is decent these days but its not perfect across all use cases. For example, Mozilla’s container extension is a very powerful privacy tool.
Factorio is in the minority IMO. My experience has been that indie games will often, say that they probablely wont do sales as a way to engourage purchases during beta and then a bit after release when there are potential financial benefits on the line they do sales anyway. I am totally not speaking from first hand experience /s.
Annoyingly for ASUS customers, perhaps, two of the now-patched vulnerabilities have been around waiting to be patched for a long time.
Wow one of the CVE numbers is from DEC 2018.
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