Reddit nowadays feels like quora with stagnant contents
Reddit nowadays feels like quora with stagnant contents
~~oof, chinese devs are probably havin some headaches right now
For example theres this huuuge game called “mobile legends” developed by bytedance, ya know a chinese company. Unfortunately, that uses unity, Checked playstore and theres like what? 500M downloads
So quick napkin tissue mafs annnd
500M x .2 = 100M
Yikes -100M USD? not including apple appstore and other 3rd party app repos
wow USA, they’re on the roll with their trade war stuff vs china~~
Edit: my bad, it looks like i shortsightedly red or overread this whatever is happening with unity rn, and to those who added more info. Thanks
Ps: seems like textmods is not working
Thank you for including the reason at post title, I’ve seen this news somewhere and refuses to click on links, at first I was like “its bone dry there how tf a sudden flood came out from somewhere” and then i see your post.
Steam hired someone whose specializes on arm drivers Qualcomm claiming their new chip is on par with m2 mac procie
OMG its all coming together, a low power linux gaming machine :)