Literally the first sentence of the article: “The government wants Signal and Whatsapp to be forced to store messages sent using the apps.”
Literally the first sentence of the article: “The government wants Signal and Whatsapp to be forced to store messages sent using the apps.”
Reads like the result of an LLM getting terrible input and a low word count to work with.
It’s gonna get scrambled/minified before it is shipped to the user anyway.
Do you mean that programming languages are hard to read/write, or that the languages themselves are poorly designed?
In the former case, I invite you to read machine code. Not assembly, but straight machine code. Just zeros and ones as far as the editor can see. Any popular language is better than that.
In the latter case, I invite you to look at the design of an arbitrary natural language. Weird grammer rules, regional differences, loan words that don’t fit in, etc. No programmming language is worse than that. Although I would argue that Javascript has all of those problems too in some degree.
I played for several hours yesterday, and had no issues with crashing at all. They released a patch since you made this comment that fixed several crashes, so I guess you found at least some of the causes stated in the patchnotes.
The biggest issues I encountered were a problem with selecting submodules of a storage while editing the storage, and a lack of explenation on what watchman actually do other than stand there and look pretty.
Simple solution: only allow lower case characters in file names.
No thanks. We don’t want your nukes thrown back at us. You gotta solve this yourselves.
According to the article, precise GPS data was stolen. That is much worse than info about when and where you charged your car.
Just fire your shotgun at the location where the sound is coming from.
Battlebit is great for a couple of rounds of brainless fun every other night. I’m not yet on linux myself, but it seems to work well via proton according to google, and it doesn’t use an external launcher.
I ain’t complaining though.
Don’t you want the ability to see when your neighbour across the street gets home while you take a bath? The real crime is placing the toilet with it’s back to the window, so now you can’t take a shit while looking people in the eye who walks past your house.
Of myself of the now dead purpetrator?
Allow me to translate:
Top left is a thermal cycler. Basically it heats and cools samples at a given rate. This is primarily used for magic. Top right is the fancier version of this, it is for qMagic, so it can do the heating and cooling and has a magic detector for magic components that reacts to magic happening so you can quantify approximately how much magic is going on in the beige box.
Bottom right is a luminex. This uses detection of magic signals to measure magic.
Bottom left is the beige box where magic happens.
I doubt they do mich different than you do with their OS.
People are more motivated by feelings than actual logic. The person you are responding to even states that Ubuntu “feels good to use”. That is some car advertisement level of feeling based reasoning.
Another thing is that people really hate it when things change. Especially a UI change. Every change in the Windows UI has been met with disgust. And if there is one thing different between linux distros, it’s where they place all the buttons, menus, etc. So people prefer to stay with the distro they know.
Or you play a system that has build a world where the age of exploration, king Arthur, the Russian revolution, the hanseatic league, the itialian city states, the spanish inquisition, and much more are all happening at the same time.
7th Sea has some wacky world building, but it stays realistic enough to be quite believable and coherent.
And they both claim they did not yet have any treats today.
The RHEL 7 book from OP is most certainly still relevant. For example, my department at work has not managed to switch over to the brand new RHEL 8 machines just yet.
I suspect that they are not allowed to turn it into a home due to daylight and ventilation requirements. It certainly can’t be rented out. So instead they sell it as a basement, and let the owner fix it themselves. Meaning that the property develop just got 30k for an otherwise useless basement.
Looking at Ukraine, I’d say a lot.