I tried to move people to matrix, but it is hard.
I tried to move people to matrix, but it is hard.
I long ago gave up on Twitter, prior to it becoming X. I was briefly on X but closed that account. Facebook I still have an account, but from what I understand it cost the Zuk more to have a barley active account then have a closed account, but it will probably be closed soon. Reddit is something I am trying to get rid of but it keeps sucking me back in, I have however removed myself from all the groups that are not Canadian centred. The only reason why I have a google account is for youtube, I got off of all the other services because of ads and all of that. I moved all of my subscriptions to things to Apple’s hide my email so I would get less junk mail. I also got a pihole setup on my LAN to see less ads so less google ad sense. I was never really a windows user so that is not a problem for me. I was fine with Apple Maps but now if I need a map I use open maps or whatever it is called. I have decided that I will not buy another apple thing, rather get things updated/repaired at shops local to me.
I have gone through my web services and cancelled everything that is not Canadian. I have moved my blog off of square space and onto Hosthero with a .ca address and I use it to create all my emails for things I may signup for. Unlimited emails so that I can signup for unlimited free trials to things, like I did with Apple’s hide my email!
Yes I agree ARM needs to be accepted a little more so Linux computers using it can be used as better (non Apple) desktops. Payment methods need to be developed even more in Canada outside of interact. I will have difficulties moving away from iOS because of FaceTime and messages.
I cancelled my Apple 1 account as well, I guess I still have a lot of data on their cloud stuff as I got billed for the 50gb plan it was a little over $1 not happy about it but I need to figure out what is up with that.
I personally use a separate email address for every single service I use, that is not professional. That way I know who sells my data or has been hacked. Because of my buy Canadian stance I had to drop Apple’s hide my email and get pay extra when I moved my domain over to a Canadian host. However doing the math it will be cheaper to do that over the course of the 5 year plan I got.
Maybe this will also get more people to use Linux as they get used to the free office. As the market share of Linux grows so to will the developers working on Linux software.
I think it is silly when they say trade deficit, there is no deficit they are getting something for that money. That would be like me saying it was a deficit when I bought groceries last, but no it was an expense not a deficit.
USSA (United Soviet States of America)
There are countries in the G7 that are putting travel advisories on going to the US, let that sink in the G7 a group of the top IMF countries are putting travel advisories on the US.
Just so that it is clear the US is a member of the G7.
If you keep doing what you are doing it will continue to hurt the US.
May I also suggest you start using a setup like a pihole on your home network, there are other options yes but I am have been using pihole for several years now. To block ads, many of which are sold by US ad markets. I know it hurts Canadians as well, and I am truly sorry about that, but it will hurt the advertisers more. Do not use a VPN service to block ads, use an ad blocker.
I say get a french press, or reusable filters. If you brew your coffee some other way I would love to hear about reusable options.
If there was a picture of this without the people I could take it myself yes.
I so want a PDF of that so I can print out copies and hang them places!
0% I am boycotting the US as much as I can and buying Canadian first, anywhere other than the states second, or if I cannot get the product elsewhere I do not need it.
I really hate to say this but a lot of webpages both Canadian and those from the US are hosted on AWS servers. My pihole blocks all .ru and .zip pages I cannot remember if it blocks any other app things like .app or .exe if those exist. You say you use ublock origin maybe block .us tldn’s, .com will block a lot of Canadian things as well.
I am curious now if I can setup some script to get my pihole to geolock me to everywhere besides the US?