Looks really good! I’m guessing an ISO version is out of the question?
Looks really good! I’m guessing an ISO version is out of the question?
Zelda a link to the past (emulated on pocket snes).
Wow the “exploding chewing gum” one was a trip. What a way to go.
One 12 year old child has died. Two others wounded. Horrible.
Awesome that it’s back up! Thanks for all your hard work
True. I was unfortunate to encounter a lesser known pic of a chainsaw accident. More than two decades later and I can still cringe about that one, can still picture his “face”
Agreed. I was aware of almost every one of those but never saw a single one.
Reporting in as instructed
Yeah those things are built like tanks. I have friends that still drive 240s and they still work just fine even after a million miles