No you have to destroy the planet through conspicuous consumption! /s
Cisgendered he/him
Avatar image by DanarArt
No you have to destroy the planet through conspicuous consumption! /s
So fire it is.
People don’t realize language models can regurgitate info to other people.
Leon was tastie.
Plant a deep root plant, turff grass that’s kept short has short roots.
Hell you could kill the invasive grasses & replace them with native plants.
You mean dead bird website?
I’m talking about the rocks that radiate an energy you can’t see.
Some rocks are naturally ‘hot’.
There’s some rocks I’m sure that can be used to kill covid.
I think I lost neurons reading that.
But why should we do anything to help future generations not be victimized? /s
Look up “Business Displays”
People are people. You’re not supposed to date/have sex with co-workers in most workplaces but it happens all the time. I’m not saying it’s a good idea for people to be banging their therapist.
You’re a frog?
They’re not the only non-Tetrapod fish that are obligate air breathers.
I believe Anarchist Batman from the Redsun Supperman comic used one.
I will use all the archaic measurement I want & you can’t stop me.