Shitty? When was one piece shitty?
Shitty? When was one piece shitty?
So you may think! But I left three pounds of potatoes on a high shelf and forgot all summer til I noticed a smell. They rotted and started leaking everywhere. It stained the shelf. Potatoes will come for you if you give them time, humidity and heat
If you go one step further, you know what the first thing you ever smelled was?
Of course there’s a way, it’s quite easy. First, you’re gonna want to go to the community. Then,
I’m pretty happy with my 8. No issues really besides lacking a standard headphone jack, I lost the one it came with and just use Bluetooth though
I’m a bit confused, started using Lemmy earlier this month, made an account so I can subscribe to communities that interest me, still figuring it out a bit. What is kbin? Thanks!
Currently on my nightstand would be Man in the High Castle by Philip K Dick, but I haven’t started yet and can’t say much more. Just finished Forge of the High Mage by Ian C Esselmont last night though, which is a continuation of a prequel series to Malazan book of the fallen. It’s a high fantasy series with great world building, and can make readers feel a full range of emotion over the first of the series. I highly recommend the series. My first try I couldn’t get through the first book because the authors don’t spoon feed you what you think you need to know and I was just to confused for being 400 pages in. But I’m really glad I went back to it, definitely my favorite series and I’ve gone through twice now