I experienced this at first with my ergo, and for me it is currently not an issue. There are some minor issues with some of the super common keys that are in different places (like enter which is currently on my left thumb on my ergo, and right pinkie on normal keyboard).
Starting with my ergo was also very disheartening (for me I went way too extreme with my switches which killed my accuracy for a month), but I love it now.
I think the 2.4ghz is going to be the most rare feature. I found essentially one Etsy seller (https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?sid=vooooodooooo&_pgn=1&isRefine=true&_trksid=p2349624.m3561.l49496) and then the dygma. I think since Bluetooth in integrated in to microcontrollers, this becomes the simpler solution.