Blanks won’t kill from the distance the shooter was positioned
Blanks won’t kill from the distance the shooter was positioned
“We go high you go low”
And when they dismantle the government and march people off to internment camps you’ll be able to smile proud and say “at least I didn’t stoop to their level”
What even are juggalos? Like i know they’re fans of ICP but is there anything more than that? Do they have any unifying beliefs or are they just ICP fans?
If people were convinced by facts and logic we wouldn’t have had trump as president and the ADF wouldn’t have any power in Germany. Snappy soundbites are necessary. Why do you think you heard 13/50 everywhere? Because it’s easy to remember and it sounds good. Same thing with 41%. You’ll be hard pressed to find someone that’s willing to do a whole bunch of reading to understand why ACAB unless they are already predisposed to believe you. 40% is a potential gateway in, and when they are along that path and see all the problems with cops, it won’t really matter when they find out that the 40% wasn’t true.
So go ahead, be disappointed, go ahead downvote, or whatever. But if you think winning only involves playing fair and honest you have another thing coming and it’s very far right from what you want.
Like I said, I’m gonna be that person.
don’t belong in civilized society.
It’s not like we’re ever going to reach that civilized society with the way everything is sliding to the right. It’s also not like they don’t already plan on removing me, so feel free to remove me once you have your civilized society, until then I’ll be here.
I’m gonna be that person right now, but i really don’t care if it’s a misleading or misquoted stat. If they get to throw around 13/50 or that trans suicide number without any care to the actual reasons I’m gonna throw around 40% self report to domestic abuse. Just like you can’t stop them, you can’t stop me. It’d be different if I had a platform of some kind, but I don’t. If someone finds out misrepresented something oh well, they’ll fine the correct info eventually and by that point they may have been swayed to our side by doing further digging. Go ahead and down vote internet numbers mean nothing to me.
BTW did you know that 40% of cops abuse their spouse?
Black brown red orange yellow green blue violet gray white
I have a passing familiarity with the colors and that just helped me list them out… now I feel gross
Seems like a redundant category, I believe you can comfortably slot them into the other 2 categories
I actually don’t, how do you get to the other city? i assume there has to be some way.
And cows have a very high emotional intelligence and are also extremely social creatures.
Idk about your phone, but my phone has a mic on both ends and a speaker on both (though the speaker placement is a bit different on the bottom than it is on top).
>naïve people on Jan 5th 2021