For-profit media empires have been telling staff this for decades, they’ve just never felt bold enough to publicly brag about it.
For-profit media empires have been telling staff this for decades, they’ve just never felt bold enough to publicly brag about it.
Domestic abusers who wish domestic abuse could be their job, not just their hobby.
I’ve been an active part of two movements that saw police prosecuted and systemic changes implemented which also included being assaulted by police and requiring medical attention. I’m 100% comfortable with the contributions I’ve made. Every piece of progress and justice I’ve been a part of has involved (as you say), “making it a problem for people with power”, not spouting pseudo-macho bullshit about other people shooting police.
I’ve fought for causes like this for almost 40 years and I’ve never seen people so fucking toothless. Forget actually acting on anything, they don’t even make art art about it. They just regurgitate corporate talking points about guns and sulk on the internet if someone disagrees. They promote other people dying in a hail of bullets or spending the rest of their life in prison and they won’t even send an email.
But it sure is easy to just be stepped back and making a claim for other people to figure out.
A criticism you’re clearly not interested in applying evenly to the people in this thread.
Yeah that’s what I said but it’s unpopular when it’s about something that matters.
It doesn’t matter either way because if they’ve got their knee on the neck of an innocent person, it’s not safe to shoot at them. Hopefully that doesn’t spoil anyone’s virtue signalling, macho fantasy because that’s a tragedy far deeper than the torture, abuse and summary execution of innocent people.
Then I should have the support of the people in this thread then since they’ve made it clear that their preferred solution is tutting and suggesting dumb shit that helps abusive cops.
But oh no! I haven’t been polite enough! I should have just advocated firing guns at people instead.
Sure I do, because he has the solution of a fucking idiot: “We should be able to shoot at cops with our cool guns”.
Maybe you should try getting more upset? If you’re going to do nothing of consequence, you could at least do it with some passion. Even on an anonymous platform with no consequences, all you’re bringing to the table is “touch grass” tone policing.
Oh you’ve been shooting at cops have you? Following through on your super cool solution?
Luckily, they have you to leap to their defense when someone tells them to act on their concerns.
There’s a long history of protest against police brutality, all over the world. How many have you been involved with? I’m tired of social media being full of lazy fucks who see shit like this and just say “damn that sucks” and go back to doing fucking nothing or pro-gun fuckstains claiming “Somebody should shoot them. Not me of course, somebody more expendable”.
Get them under control then. I’m sick of the fucking “thoughts and prayers” generation.
Don’t be coy, tell us what you think we should be using it for.
I think more broadly, it happens whenever there is the mentality of “more X, no matter what”. Usually that’s profit, but I don’t think it’s mandatory.
If they don’t already, they will. The insatiable desire for profit means that even if you paid them $1000 a month for their dogshit rag, they’d sell your data to make $1001 dollars.
Regulations are the only answer and they have to be both enforced and punished heavily enough to not make it worth risking.
Oh yeah that’s right. Sorry, I haven’t put a game out for a long time.
I have mixed feelings on it.
When I was putting out games, publishing on Steam would mean a guaranteed 1 million impressions on the “New releases” list. That’s incredible exposure for an indie title, which often succeed or fail on exposure alone.
But 30% can be a lot for those same indie teams, especially combined with taxes. You can put years of work into a title and lose half the money it earns to groups that didn’t directly contribute at all. It can easily be enough money that long-term support or follow up games just aren’t viable. It can be your entire outsourcing budget or a whole employee for a year.
And after that initial exposure, you’re not getting much for your perputual 30%. The value of Steamworks can vary greatly game by game so you could end up paying $30k for $100 of bandwidth and minor marketing through things like sales and rich presence.
I would much prefer to see something like “30% after the first $X in sales”. Their cut would kick in only after they’ve demonstrated their value as a platform and small teams wouldn’t have to watch a company with billions of dollars take a very large bite out of their very small pie.
Oh I understand those far-right “others” just fine. They’re all the abusive partners, parents and bullys we’ve all known. The ones who will torture their own family members for doing something, anything, without their unpredictable stamp of approval. The ones who eagerly twist and lie and manipulate people to get what they want, saying vapid shit about “empathy and understanding” that they have no intention of following themselves.
The Republican party is indefensible and by extension, so are those that support them, from Fox News all the way down to fuckstains at the local bar. They’ve made themselves a shining beacon for the worst people in America and I’m comfortable writing every single one of them off.
Because if they were actually capable of empathy, understanding or reasonable discourse, they wouldn’t be far-right in the first place.
Yep, you’ve outed yourself. Better luck next time.
They’re probably slaves shipped out from Gitmo to cover all those mass graves with tacky golden statues.