Kawaii Konsi??
Kawaii Konsi??
It’s obviously not impossible, but you’ll find people calling every single private messaging platform honeypots. I don’t recall seeing any convincing proof for Tuta, personally.
In Pathfinder 2e, you’ll more likely get a chance of martials getting more crits than anticipated than wild spellcasters moves haha.
It can be done… but only by making the monster unfightable. Not “too strong”, literally invincible. To some, that’s horror enough haha.
That said, horror games are indeed the perfect setting to try out other systems, there are some out there like Mothership where the rules hold on one page.
It’s the largest reason why I haven’t purchased it yet. I’m very disappointed they decided to do this.
Tbh this is more than mildly infuriating…
Heard something about where you can do dungeons solo-party? I think that was gw2.
“Dungeons” as a general term is understood to be “group content”.
In GW2, these are:
I remember trying Guild Wars 2 and thinking every other player might as well just be a bot because nobody interacted. :(
I’m sorry that was your experience, but this is very much opposite of mine. Not only is the game still going strong (new expac came out like two weeks ago btw, and it’s pretty good!), but in all my years playing (and that’s been since Day 1), I’ve had so many fun interactions in the game.
And that’s without even counting the ones with my guilds. I’ve even had some fun chats in ranked PvP, the saltiest place in the game. I’m playing in European servers, which probably doesn’t change much versus NA, but yeah, there are often conversations going on in map chat, or locally, between total strangers. Also between teams in WvW, during events, during festivals, waiting at the Wall after the Chak Gerent…
It’s a very friendly community and I encourage you to give it another try! And yeah, if you can find a guild suited to your tastes it’s even better!
I for one am quite hyped about this new expac. They have really sold me on the Homestead.
You can still try the base game for free if you want to give it another go.
And when it goes on sale, the “Complete” Collection (First three expacs + the Living Story 2, 3, 4 and 5) is a steal at 50$/€. That’s 10 years of content you can catch up to. Even full price I’d say worth it, if you’re looking for a casual-friendly MMO with enough content to keep you entertained for a long time.
Not 100% but 99.9%… IIRC Guild Wars 2 servers had like 1 actual outage in 11 years. They have pretty amazing structure.
An Elf and an Orc Had a Little Baby
I mean, to each group their own, but 4176 is the total of all together, which is a very unfair way of presenting it.
You’ll never have to choose between all of them, or even a decent fraction.
While leveling up, you’ll have to choose between 4-8 class feats accessible at your level, and you would usually prioritise ones available from your current levels to those available beforehand. Plus, at some point many feats require prerequisite, which means you can cut down half of options you can choose from really. Same thing with the race feats, skill feats and general feats.
8 possibilites maximum at every level up might be too much for some people, but really isn’t in the same ballpark of having to choose between 4000+ every time.
Switzerland has a new Federal Act on Data Protection coming up in September.
Though to be fair, if you keep getting hit by goblins at a high level, they’re probably custom-made.
Standard goblins have +8 to hit, so by level what, 10 latest they will never manage to hit you again.
Technically PF2e has Crit Success, Success, Failure and Crit failure, but I somehow I don’t think you are looking for that if you want something similar to PbtA haha.
What do you mean, finally? Even 5e, the edition with the smallest amount of lore so far, has some.
Previous editions had a lot. The Forgotten Realms wiki is a pretty good place to go read through. And there’s other settings too, even if they have less content. Greyhawk, Eberron, to only name those I have in my library.