Hey you guys!
Hey you guys!
I’ll give you Zod was a cool villain. But personally Richard Pryor makes lll for me, plus I had it on video as a kid, recorded off tv & must of watched it repeatedly. There was so much cool tech in lll (for the 80s) that I think it may have even influenced me to get into programming in later life, so it’ll always have a soft spot in my retro film collection 🍿
Superman lll
We miss you Bass Fishing & Marine Fishing. 🎣
And by a 15 year old no less! Keep up the awesome work young one, you’ll go far…
Did you know the UK is the largest exporter of medicinal cannabis in the world…
Theresa May‘s husband is/was a major shareholder in GW Pharmaceuticals (now Jazz Pharmaceuticals) who is a large exporter of it. Other MP’s past & likely present also benefit from the industry & yet we still have very dated laws on it. Is it in their interest to keep the status quo to keep competition at bay?
Apple cider vinegar (unpasteurised) gang here, love the stuff!
Absolute classic!!
Have you ever heard the expression “The customer is always right”?…Yeah, well, here I am, the customer.
Is that all? Just the price of doing business for them :/
I think I saw a documentary about a similar incident recently… it had two sports drink salesman in a minotaur truck badly parked getting towed & they drove it away while still attached & crashed. Long story short they had to do community service looking after kids to be role models & hilarity ensued…
Sodastream is from Israel, so that’s a big no from me. Only learned that recently when I was considering if I should buy one.
Not heard of Drinkmate before. Thanks for reigniting my hopes of home made carbonated water!
My childhood!
Diet Coke leaves a nasty metallic taste in my mouth, can’t stand the stuff. Coke Zero on the other hand mostly tastes ok to me, unless I’m eating chocolate & then it gets a similar nasty aftertaste to it as well. Nearly all other soft drinks are now sugar free & I’ve not found one I like anymore, some I’ve even spat out on initial sip as they taste so rank to me.
Thankfully I’ve grown to like sparkling water the past few years, used to hate it, & often have that instead if I fancy something fizzy.
Classic lemonade also still seems to be available with sugar, which is nice as an occasional treat…
My reply to them is: “Would you prefer to live next to a nuclear plant, or some turbines/solar fields?”
Hah, I remember the Gateway box being so large I could get in it at the time. And being cow themed seemed quite odd, but that thing was a beast at the time. I do miss the old Amiga though too.
Thanks for the little nostalgia trip! Well done on keeping some mementos. Hope the Gateway finds a good home to go to!
Wow that’s a brand I’ve not heard of in a long time. Can remember when ours first arrived as a kid, I think maybe as an upgrade from an old Amiga.
Go Spain! Good work.
I thought this might be one good way to deal with it: https://youtu.be/DSQ0i4b-5ug?si=g2LLwxuRtk1t9XFf (repurposing old coal plants for storage)
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