It would probably look better with an emulated CRT filter including scanlines; giving the appearance of the type of TVs they originally were made for.
It would probably look better with an emulated CRT filter including scanlines; giving the appearance of the type of TVs they originally were made for.
Then the people who claim to love you choose for you and say that getting shot in the head would be better for you. Any attempt to convince them otherwise is met with absolute disbelief.
Sir that’s called sexual assault.
Sorry best we can do is raise your taxes.
Honestly, I think the market is so saturated with superhero media (movies, games, tv shows) that anything that’s not at the top is at the bottom. I kinda know that Green Arrow is a superhero just from what I’ve heard and seen in other superhero stuff, but that’s about it. Most people that aren’t really into the superhero genre won’t bat an eye unless they market it as the next best AAA game, and then if it falls short of that it’s a bust.
Edit: it may be better off as an indie-style, lower budget game that the fans can get into without the producers having to risk a whole lot, but with the whole Marvel/DC stuff they seem to have huge budgets and bigger profit expectations.
I thought it was a really nice change. They kept the ATB system all the older games had, and it didn’t break between overworld and battle screens constantly, making for a seamless transition between the two.
we’ll let you keep your country if you let us rip it to shreds
Sounds fair /s
Thanks, that worked!
Okay but how do I unmute this I want to listen to it but there’s no sound coming out
Why is this on mute?
They look better on a CRT television.
If you compress it into a different image format, a secret message will appear.
It’s being funded by the Oligarchs, why would they want to stop it?
Boy, those wolves must really like eating feminine-gay-teen meat. 🌭
The Supreme Court already ruled that the President can do whatever they want as long as it is an “official” act as President.
The article has a privacy wall (“this is not a paywall”) that wants your email address in exchange for reading the article. Can only read the first 1.5 paragraphs.
Risk vs reward. I could see reddit swinging either way depending on which they think smells like more money.
Probably because OF gets a lot of their business through promoting on Reddit.
Isn’t this the kind of thing the Mafia and gangs do to local businesses? Pay up for “protection”?