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Doesn’t matter which of the home nations you follow, that is two and a bit minutes of pure inspiration.
Particularly the rifle-like properties of the standard Halo CE handgun. That weapon was broken at distance.
No I appreciate being checked. It’s always good to be given multiple views on things and I appreciate your view. Thank you.
I suspect you’re missing the wood for the trees there - are there any local vendors or farmers markets?
Yes, they are undeniably more expensive, but it is satisfying as fuck paying slightly over the going rate to poke some big company in the eye, even if it is barely felt at the individual level.
I never got to try Head Over Heels.
That and Knight Lore were the two fucking tapes on the Atari 800 XE that wouldn’t load and run correctly for whatever reason - I was too young to deduce whether it was a compatibility issue or a tape failure. What I did know that it was my weekly treat that was pissed up the wall because it wouldn’t work 😭
I mean fuck day one patches, but I would have loved a day one POKE command back then.
Your comment contains as many sources as there is punctuation marks. Do tell me more?
e: that came across as unusually short. I’m interested in learning of this shelling, I’ve not heard of civilian targeting.
Very few people think everyone on your side of the pond is okay with your political shitshow.
It’s disheartening to see around a third of your voters being cunts, but then every country has their regressive arseholes, but it’s downright frustrating to see another chunk of your voting populace being okay enough with it to not bother voting against it.
So, by majority, the Americans are a clownshow. A small #NotAllVoters contingent doesn’t really change that - coupled with a modern history of American exceptionalism (and i say that with a straight face even with the British track record) then you can see why you’re getting dunked on.
Yeah I’ve still got my headsets from boxes with Skype For Business branding that have “Compatible with Microsoft Lync” stickers on them.
It’s probably closer in UI to Skype from the 2000s that the “real” Skype never really recaptured. Not sure if that’s a good or a bad thing.
My org used Skype For Business and it worked remarkably well. Much more lightweight, though somehow still a little less responsive than it should have been.
It has that “it just works” factor for video calling, whereas Teams almost needs a fucking checklist to rattle through if someone’s audio or video feed isn’t working.
In fairness, that was my first reaction too.
A mix of “haha the bloke doesn’t know what he had for breakfast, let alone what he said at the start of the week” and “haha he fucking what?”
I’m not sure if you’re taking the piss or not but I’m going to choose to believe you’re asking in good faith!
The code just feels… messy, unfamiliar, almost chaotic - but the semicolons and curly brackets in a neat little row, formatted in a satisfying way, is like an island of calm and order in the middle of a formatting clusterfuck.
A moment of serenity in the middle of a riot, one may think.
Now this I did not know. Every day’s a school day.
I hate it with every fibre of my being but also secretly calmed by that column of statement terminators and brackets.
It’s like the code representation of the Vancouver riots kiss photo.
That’s a wingman and a half.
I suspect English teachers - specifically English Literature (if that’s a thing elsewhere, certainly was in England and Wales) - probably have read lived experiences and accounts of what has happened to marginalised people in the past. Being able to critically evaluate texts forces you to see different views of things - the ideal way to foster understanding of other positions even if you don’t agree with them.
Purely speculative post based on anecdotal evidence, but good on them.
Nah that’s cool, thanks for your view. I’m on board with what you’re saying.
I fucking hate launchers with a passion, almost as much as I hated when Steam came out with one of the Half Life patches.
Admittedly though, if there was going to be one current launcher to rule them all, Steam is the best bet.
Going against the grain here, but conceptually is that really such a good thing?
Yes, Steam is pretty decent and yes, Valve have consistently shown good business practice and a pro-consumer stance, and yes third party launchers are generally absolute donkey tonk… but isn’t converging onto one launcher like Steam very anti-consumer at its core?
I don’t work in mathematics but my work strays into another STEM field, but every now and then I watch this short clip of Sir Andrew Wiles and think “fuck me, maybe it is achievable”.
Absolute legend, that man.