Time to fuckin do something
Time to fuckin do something
Having a “maximum bank balance” is so needlessly cruel. Like “you’re disabled. You must remain poor because you don’t deserve to have expendable income”. Fuck that. Fuck this country. It is a pile of fucking shit
Donald Trump should kill himself. That is the best value he could possibly give to the world.
May he die soon and painfully 🙏
I hope the orange shit stain kills himself, or is dead soon
Not just a basic dickhead. An actual Nazi
Threaten legal action. One of their bots picks that up and it will go away
Hey good movie choice. That’d be mine too for sure. Has to have been the extended edition.
Tarps off boys. Swap. Let’s goo
Post ads somewhere else, keep em off lemmy
It’s actually called zoning reform. Bring back neighborhood grocery stores you can walk to. Before I experienced it, I never thought about how convenient it is to walk less than 5 minutes to a grocery store almost every day and do little grocery trips instead of bit multi-bag struggles.
What bothers me most is the unrealistic girth of the dog compared to the bun. Most dogs fit down into buns with the top of the dog slightly under the bun
Fuck the wind. Stand tall against the gale of hate
The trick to this is to accept that some will be that way, but you don’t have to. It’s a choice for which we must all take personal responsibility.
Rural towns have so much character, history, and potential
Oh man just read the inheritance series first. It’s an excellent fantasy story that also has lots of travel sections so if you like that in sea of stars you’ll like it here too. Then watch the movie and weep lol
Murderbot Diaries was my top this year by far. Probably top series since I first read hitchhikers guide to the galaxy. It’s so fun and well paced and the audiobook is well made.
Don’t attack fellow citizens who were bamboozled. Redirect your energy towards the fuck in charge