He has a certain energy. I’d call it smooth energy.
It’s fantastic, but smooth energy doesn’t work for game shows.
He has a certain energy. I’d call it smooth energy.
It’s fantastic, but smooth energy doesn’t work for game shows.
You can hardly blame that just on Gates. Every moron in the government has been pushing standardized tests as some way of grading teachers and schools for decades at this point, and this program coincided with Obama’s equally disastrous and very similar federal program. Which was an improvement over Bush’s even more disastrous program.
Especially when you realize Gate’s program was of limited scope while Dubbya/Obama/Trump’s DOE’s fuckups covered the entire country for a far longer period of time.
Admittedly, you’d need a layer of ozone (self sustaining so long as you don’t have some kind of chemical that causes ozone to not form, but who’d have that?). And probably some kind of hot liquid metal contraption in the middle of the earth, sustained by, like Uranium decay or tidal friction or something, to generate a magnetic field to protect us.
Some Irish people would probably still die of radiation poisoning on beaches, but that’s a sacrifice the rest of us are willing to make.
Yeah. How much human trafficking is actually going on at airports with a “parent” flying “their” child somewhere?
If some sicko is a billionaire with a private jet and is THAT dedicated to getting a kid to them, they’ll fly them on their private jet. You know, like Epstein.
And if they’re the “usual” human chattel that is treated like cattle, they’re probably being transported in some slower, cheaper method than a plane that (1) costs way more and (2) has a dozen security mechanisms designed to catch you.
This is just racism and people buying into Qanon propaganda.
They’re coming back. The Galaxy S 23/22 Ultra both are squared.
A fed bear is a dead bear. If the mom can’t be rehabed, they gotta put her down. It’s too dangerous to leave them alive - even if you relocate, they’ll just move until they find easy to raid people and become a danger. Black bears usually are fearful or wary of humans - if they lose this, they’re a danger to people and themselves (people often defend themselves against bears with guns that fail to immediately kill the bear. The end result is a bear that dies a slow and agonizing death.
Surprised they’re even trying rehab. It usually fails.
The cubs aren’t as lost a cause.
I got one, but got rid of it after the screen cover plastic became rigid and creaky…twice. Worse, Samsung said they’d cover it once under warranty, and that after their ubreak ifix people were telling me it’d cost $200 to fix and I had to explain I had a protection plan to the braindead tech ten times.
Not worth it until they solve durability issues.
Yep, and it’s all because the US regs only allow for high and low beams that can’t redirect and rely on clunky sensors, if they’re automatic at all.
Meanwhile, in Europe and Asia, cars have adaptive, beam forming headlights that successfully solved this problem in the early aughts. Even American autos have them - Ford’s are so precise they can even create images like the Ford Logo with their lights.
Still illegal to sell in the US because the NHTSA is refusing to allow them, even though Congress straight up told them to allow them a few years ago as a rider on the bipartisan infrastructure bill.
Insurance would have to prove the modification caused the accident by disabiling some safety mechanism.
Legally, software mods and hardware mods are no different, and people have been modifying their cars well before you could hack a seat heater on.
Modifying your car isn’t a valid reason to yank coverage in most circumstances.
Even making your car faster isn’t enough, assuming your mods are street legal.
BMWs have had this, to some extent, for a while. Bimmercode can do things like change sounds and enable software disabled features, like anti dazzle lights. (This is disabled because the NHTSA refuses to adopt ways for them to be easily tested in the US, despite their being approved for decades in Europe and a congressional mandate telling them to allow them on the roads, so every automaker has to disable them.)
No exploits needed.
It’s also really stupid because the idea is to create a system that’s better than humans. And let me tell you, people miss stuff all the time when driving. Tons and tons of accidents are caused by “negligent” drivers who looked both ways and missed someone due to a visual processing error or literally not being able to see something.
Yeah. GM’s subscription nonsense is for their ice cars too. BMW’s aborted seat heater thing was too.
You aren’t wrong, but at the same time, I’m not buying a Hyundai/Kia ev anytime soon either. They constantly have electrical problems with fire risks.
And considering that they’ve buried stuff before (metal shavings in their ICE engines like 4 years ago), I could easily see an EV wiring problem they’re sitting on lest they destroy their standing in the EV market. Not that EV fires are actually much worse than gas car fires (a little harder to put out, but far less explodey (gas is also hard to put out, just not as hard.))
They aren’t exactly writing checks and sending it Kyiv.
They’re sending stuff we already have. Ammo, tanks, etc.
It should be phrased as “Joe asks mom it it’s cool to give Volodymir, his friend down the way, his old iPhone, and then go buy a new iPhone 15 Max, which has sick BVR capabilities and stealth, from LockMart.”