Should wrap the bean can unit in slices of Kraft. Adds another ingredient, but it would be amazing.
Should wrap the bean can unit in slices of Kraft. Adds another ingredient, but it would be amazing.
Missed that area. It was getting really hot and I think I took a train from Tirumula or Pondicherry straight to Puri. Is the chicken biryani there much different than other places?
I’ve spent 10 months in India, over two trips. Absolute favorite and least favorite country, depending on how my stomach felt. What part are you from?
I get you. It’s just the title that set me off, I guess. I understand that that’s how someone gets views, and it’s unfortunate. Good to see someone acknowledge that Mozambique exists though. Has he done one on Malawi and eSwatini too?
Sorry, didn’t mean to shit on you, just the guy. Making a living off of “slum tourism” just rubs me the wrong way. Have a good one.
These types of videos are so cringey. I’ve been to Maputo and this guy is just a puss. Just mildly racist fear porn for people who will never leave their couch.
Might wanna get off the computer every now and then.
If you watch it like it’s Showgirls or something it’s great. I had a blast.
The bathrooms at the border between Indian and Pakistan. I was already sick and they almost finished me off.
I was reading it on an island in Thailand and I had to put it down for another time. It was bumming me out. Read it twice since, back in America.
Guess I’ll be the one to ask. Why do you want music privacy?