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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 8th, 2023

  • the problem is that Russia cannot be either appeased or, given Trump’s backing in 2025, stopped.

    It is all of Eastern Europe that is going to be destroyed in the next decade.

    And it is simply lack-of-spine among the rich countries that is making this so.

    The appeasers of Adolph never stopped him.

    The appeasers of Putin won’t stop him, or his successor.

    ( whenever Putin is killed, and he won’t die of old age, dictators never do, whomever replaces him is going to be the “puppet” that Russia’s financial-owner, China, wears: they’ll be allowed to be rich, they’ll be allowed to do some things somewhat their way, but they’re going to do what CCP orders them to do, and they’re going to clear everything with CCP before doing them. )

    Europe’s accommodating its own future-butchery.

    The sea-level-rise of Greenland dumping its icemelt can’t magically distribute globally into 1 or 2 metres of sea-level-rise: it’ll affect only the North Atlantic ( being much more significant in amount, due to being concentrated, so the Netherlands is … fucked ), for the 1st few decades, so Europe loses its port-cities AND Trump guts NATO AND Trump backs Russia in destroying as much of Europe as it can…

    what’s happening to Ukraina right now, is going to be normal throughout Europe within 1 decade.

    All: political, ClimatePunctuation, all of it was preventable, if human nature had wanted any alternative.

    It’s like watching an addict destroy their brain & life with chemicals, while complaining that they haven’t an addiction problem, it’s people not going along with them, that’s the real problem, …

    … until they die, and then their denial of addiction becomes “technically” true, because the don’t exist anymore.

  • I agree with your limited-set:

    TheRegister & Ars Technica are the 2 that give the highest quality overview,

    and yeah, Phoronix is kinda required for Linux news,

    and … how the hell could churning more be somehow increasing one’s productivity??

    Stephen R. Covey’s truth about…

    • the bigger one’s Circle of Concern
    • the smaller one’s Circle of Influence

    one must Focus, or one is just mindlessly dissipating one’s finite strength.

    Limit one’s inputs, to quality overview points, and know which other-sites to hit, for specific digging-down into some specialty,

    ( Leonard Susskind’s lectures, on yt, e.g. for mental exercise: his “Time As A Fractal Flow” one is awesome, when the lightbulb goes on, at the end )

    and then you win most.

    Never let sand into your gears, in other words, eh?

    Keeping all the “misc sand” out from one’s “gears” makes one more productive.

    Oh, also www.SemiAccurate.com for the semiconductor foundry industry news, if Demerjian’s still updating that ( he’s scooped the industry toooo many times to let that one escape being important! )

    _ /\ _

  • China doesn’t want to rock the boat … yet!

    WHEN they’ve got the imbalance in-their-favor enough, they will gut & smash India: that is their plan.

    Modi’s relying on Russia, China’s economic-vassal-state, for protection against China, hands India to China, strategically.

    Make-believe never saved any country’s life, nor will it, in the coming decade.

    See it for what it is: now is only a “location in time”, during the slippery-slope ( low steepness, after 1 or 2 more world-process Punctuations, the slope will be STEEP! ) time before global-TANTRUM/POGROM that #ClimatePunctuation, combined with political-tantrum, including “populist” dictatorships, combined with religious-tantrum, combined with food-web collapse, combined with an increasing-fraction-of-humankind becoming refugee…


    The Great Filter’s unfolding, but still in its Yin stage.

    China doesn’t want to rock the boat yet.

    When opportunity is ripe, however, they are going to.

    _ /\ _

  • Don’t put-up with Israel’s gaslighting.

    I used to support Israel.

    As an Englishman, whose identity I don’t remember pointed-out, years ago:

    IF the Jews of the region have a moral-right to their own homeland, THEN so do the Palestinians.


    Once someone has proven they are only narcissistic-machiavellian-sociopath/psychopath, through their nihilistic obliteration of other’s lives, and much more, and throught their sadism,

    they have ZERO claim on God, on “scripture”, or on “validity” or on Truth.

    The old rabbis ( find some interviewed on youtube! ) who call-out Israel & I stand together in contempting their lies.

    KNOW gaslighters for what they are, & deal-with-them as such.

    Rabies is rabies.

    IF the patient can be got sane/healthy, then help 'em do that, but if not…

    then don’t let 'em infect you with their rabies.

    ( & that goes also for Hamas’s terror-strike, too: both sides have crossed the line into worshipping nihilism/mass-murder, while claiming God, sadly )

    _ /\ _

  • and if you consider that “economic barrier to entry” can make any bigger company, who is able to scoop a startup’s code & sell the use of it, can extinguish the startup who created the code

    then, yes, there are definitely situations where protection-against-competitors, some of whom have DEEP pockets, could be an actual requirement, for opensourcing one’s code.

    “Coopetition” Bill Gates coined, where you “cooperate” with your competitors, but, being Microsoft, you do it so you can snuff them, soon.

    I can definitely see why a company would want to be able to allow limited use of their code, globally, but to legally-prohibit using it to destroy them.