Not a knob, more of a bell-end.
Not a knob, more of a bell-end.
Also a little over 40 years ago was the Falklands war.
As a Brit I’d be surprised if they were that deluded, the more pertinent question to ask should be is the USA government that deluded?
It’s not over here in the UK. They’re not road legal.
Me too… and I’m not even a Yank.
It fucking pisses me off so much seeing the thick, orange, cunt-in-chief on our news day after fucking day talking absolute bollocks on the news…
It’s only 7 years away…
Revelations 8:11-13
I old enough that, as a kid, every time I wanted to play a game I had had to wait for it to install from cassette.
Besides, download speeds now are amazing.
Yeah, if they don’t keep them in the fridge the koalas steal them…
Who keeps their eggs in a fucking fridge?
Cadburys has been shit since they were bought out by a Yankee company.
Well, yes. My wife says I’m Bender from Futurama.
I bend steel, drink lots of beer and fart fire a lot.
On my wrist but I wear a full boilersuit… We use burning tackle to cut the steel.
And freeze peach!
Wife bought me a pixel watch 3 for Christmas. I wear it all the time…
… I work as a section bender in a factory. You can’t see it under my overalls.
Oi! How dare you call me decent…
Merry Chrimbo!
Hmm. I’ll go out on a limb here and guess that the answer is…
… money.