• 12 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 11th, 2022

  • Sorry, I’m not quite sure what kind of help you are asking for. I do know one thing though:

    somewhat like how to cope with this, i…e, I don’t want these things to get to me. My life is in shambles and it’s in a good part due to the lack of opportunities in my country and I know for a fact that it ain’t gonna change anytime soon.

    You really should leave that place if you can

    I first used to think lemmy is kinda mehh! But this thing is much more peaceful than reddit!

    Can you talk more about them without doxxing yourself?

    I don’t actually want to talk about it, but I have lost hope. I used to think things would get better when I was younger, but they never did. I see the desperation and resentment in my people and the things they do out of it. Resentment is never a good thing! Never! I have seen people delude themselves, live shitty lives for pennies in salary, I used to judge these people, but troubles started when I stopped judging them, I realized these were people just like you and me, if they were in a better system they would be doing some meaningful work and if not that, they would have money for their medical bills (it’s much worse than US here, so no comparision)

    It’s not their fault, but their lives were destroyed, they don’t live their lives to the fullest, they didn’t reach their peak potential because of the system they are in. It’s not their fault! This was my wakeup call! This made me sad beyond belief, I tbch miss the time I judged my people, but I can’t go back.

    sensory overload issues?

    It’s a part of a bigger problem, but yes, it would be amazing if I didn’t fucking listen to all these machine noises 24/7

    Huff… It felt good to vent, haha… sorry, you helped by asking how you could help!

  • Maybe you think being in America would solve your problems, but it just presents a different set.

    It would solve my problems, and yes, it would give me a different better set of problems. America is nowhere at the buttom when it comes to human development.

    I know you said you’ve gotten that advice already. It’s easy to hear but hard to accept.

    Yes! So much easier to hear!

    I’ve set some goals to improve my physical health

    Ohh yes, I need to do that to some extent too.

    Thank you for your advice :)

  • I haven’t completely switched to Lemmy yet. I don’t get as much of a diversity of views here.

    But apart from Political stuff, I think the people here are wonderful and actually helpful.

    This might not be an alternative to reddit and gain millions of followers, but nonetheless, It’s good in it’s own way.

  • I remember the dark old days when I did not use adblock and then Brave came along and introduced me to the idea and everything was so simple, so much better. I block cookies and scripts on news sites and everything has been far better than what it was a few years ago.

    I use Firefox + Ublock now and it has blocked a few million ads for me!

  • love the outlook of lemmy, I think the design is decent and simplistic. But one thing I can’t seem to get over is the fact that almost everyone here seem to think the same politically. Why do you guys think this is?? I know this is a community of leftists foss enthusiasts but I hope everyone here is aware that it is driving many people away from adapting it.

    Hehe… good one. I understand that. But don’t you think it would be a better place of some people from the right joined in here