You sound like you’re about to lose your farm
You sound like you’re about to lose your farm
Is there anything that you would like to do, any bucket list items etc?
The OP didn’t complain so wtf are you on about? Calm your tits it’s an observation.
Hahahah ok I understand how that is what practically happens, but where do they stand politically? What I mean is, this time we saw Harris support fracking and guns, having a lackluster response to Israeli aggression - to say the least - buddying up with Liz Cheney etc etc. Do people who are disappointed by this right turn have any reason to turn to the greens? If not, is there anyone else?
Damn Sheryl went downhill after Larry
Can someone explain why all this hatred for the green party? I don’t know anything about them but I wouldn’t be surprised if the reason for that is active silencing.
You are not alone there
Nice manners. If you compare their policies with right wing parties around the world you will see the similarities. There are inner factions that lean left obviously but their voices are muffled by the Clintons and the like.
That is absolutely true, but you know that the vast majority of people are not as politically engaged as to do something about that. They barely get up to vote for the big one. I get it that this is not exactly the best of excuses, but if you consider how voting works in general - with things like gerrymandering etc and the shady and purposefully complicated process of electing party representatives - I would argue that the American people are never given much of a choice. At the end of the day I don’t think what you guys have can be called a democracy. The process gives way too much power to a select few and takes all the meaning away from the public vote. Most people may not realize it, but they instinctively react to the futility of the voting process. In fact, I would argue that the Trump phenomenon is a direct result of this. Arguably most people who voted Trump are not consciously evil fascists, they are ignorant idiots (and I use this word for its original Greek meaning) who are tired of voting for anyone from the establishment only to see them serve the 1%.
My point is, it’s easy to start pointing fingers at those who didn’t vote anti-Trump specifically, but imho Harris was exactly the candidate that would cause a surge of Trump votes by trying to appease her way to the middle of the road between the extreme right and the insane ultra nazi right that are the two choices for Americans these days.
Trump will no doubt be worse for the environment and many other things. But as an outsider I cannot help but ask, if you blame those who did not vote for Harris for what is coming, then surely your hands are dipped in the blood of all the victims of the Democratic party’s policies over the years? How long are you going to pretend that they are different? Surely you realize that no Bernie will ever be the democratic nominee and that this is by design. How far to the right must the Dems go before someone else takes over what is the remnant of the American left?
I have stickers from 1999 waiting to be stuck on something appropriate
What I don’t understand - and please explain if you can - is why Bernie and like-minded people like AOC etc don’t break away from the likes of the Clintons and the Harrises and form their own party. Surely there must be some systemic hurdle keeping them from at least attempting right?