I have yet to see this show. Is it on Paramount+? I may have to sub for this and Picard.
I have yet to see this show. Is it on Paramount+? I may have to sub for this and Picard.
I’ve looked at Obsidian but have you looked at Zettlr? I think I prefer it over Obsidian.
Nice to see that you’re getting your own thing going.
Modding (as long as it’s not hacker modding in like RDR2) makes the game personalized and so much more fun.
I wanted to play Diablo but Blizzard support hasn’t taken off the keyfob authenticator off my account, despite repeated requests. So I guess I don’t get to play anyway. Now I really feel like I’m not missing out on anything.
Does anyone else think this will go to court over copyright infringement? Purposefully similar name and same industry.
Yes! Me too. I didn’t try Jerjoba because people were having issues and it didn’t look customizable enough. I have eye issues and need big font, dark background etc. Connect still has usability issues for me, but it’s the best of all of them. Voyager is a close second.
I shut off asuch of Cortana on my desktop as I could. Not a wanted feature.