I think I actually prefer the simplicity of the old one. In general, I find logos with too many textures a little distracting or “noisy”
I think I actually prefer the simplicity of the old one. In general, I find logos with too many textures a little distracting or “noisy”
I’m definitely trying to be, which isn’t difficult considering that my last comment there was a year ago, and I only made 5 comments that year.
I’d been on reddit for 11 years, and I was more active back then, but I sort of started to just lurk more as time went by, probably because there was an ocean of comments in every post
I belive that’s actually what you’d paste in the search box in your local instance to view the community from your instance, not a link to the community itself.
This link should take you to that community within its local instance: https://lemmy.world/c/syncforlemmy
All of those things can be verified before storing the password in any way, encrypted or not, and checking them would be a requisite before storing it.
While it’s true that they don’t have a significant impact on the hash generated, they make it significantly more difficult for anyone to guess your password. It’s much easier to guess
than something likeOr^9L%u&QQ12XxI@
. And that has nothing to do with how the password is ultimately stored.