It’s worse. Much worse.
It’s worse. Much worse.
Stevia leaves a disgusting after taste and is an immediate deal breaker for me in any drink.
Lol oh yeah I missed the context
Dude he bought a truck and it’s a little tacky. Settle down…
Wow that is some Olympic level mental gymnastics, congratulations.
Same with any sports car, come on
So who all is being hypocritical?
Lol well I guess i really can’t say much because i didn’t watch it, but if that’s the message then I’m glad I didn’t bother. Nobody cares if black people are successful, and the couple of “uppity white people” who are bothered by their success don’t matter anyway. Seriously we’ve had successful black people in this country for a hundred years, especially in the entertainment industry. It’s not like it’s notable or offensive to anyone anymore.
It’s a stupid take to complain about no white people, but to claim that it’s intentional and that’s a good thing, is even more stupid.
Lol I can’t imagine the world that exists in his head…
I don’t know, seems a little forced… not their best work IMO.
Oh it’s dangerous?? Someone should stop him!
That’s a fair question. It’s mostly just my observation, but if I were obligated to guess, it is partially filtering based on the types of people who are active and readily express their opinions on various topics, but also because of the reasons people moved to lemmy in the first place, many of whom were evicted from reddit because they were too extreme.
There are a lot of people, especially on lemmy, who see everything through the lens of their personal ideology and utterly lack the ability to empathize or understand different views or life situations. You only matter to them insofar as to how it can advance or support their ideology. It’s pathological, and their views should be ignored.
Lol you answered nothing at all. Did you even read my original question?
Probably because they think he is incompetent and should be in jail. If your employees don’t respect you and think you should be in jail, then they might not be a good fit.
He is deporting Americans? That’s your argument? What does it take to become American?
How or by what were they forced to leave their country?
What refugees?
Oh well good news then, ted cruz had a proposed bill to protect judges from intimidation after death threats towards Kavanaugh.