What you call dooming I see as mourning, people are giving their lives out there. In the case where they aren’t, everything in their life is going to change. Maybe some of us are more in touch with what is happening than others. Like holy fuck, you think Afghanistan falling wasn’t fucking terrible for everybody living there?
proper perspective of the communist position
“At the risk of seeming ridiculous, let me say that the true revolutionary is guided by a great feeling of love.”
I think China has been made toothless by the powerful liberal faction within its government.
I love your posts and I think you one of the posters I most ideologically agree with, so let me try to clarify my position a bit. My initial post was a rant entirely fueled by the increasingly dire state of the world, a world that doesn’t have a US counterweight. No country is currently attempting to bring about any form of revolution except maybe our Burkino Faso/Mali/Niger alliance. In the past, admittedly one that we lost, the movement was carried by a strong international sense of love and anger. When barbarity like what we are seeing came about, some countries (Cuba in Angola) actively gave lives fighting wars they had no part in. There WAS an era of real revolutionary retribution, it feels like it died along with the USSR. Seeing how passive current countries are in comparison to their history has me viewing them in a not-so-positive light.
Yeah, it’s an emotional rant and analysis, I know that.
China being dengist is the issue, I understand the whole “we need to build our productive forces” but honestly, I’ve come to view capital as almost a biblical evil. It is a corrupting force.
Anyway, yeah they don’t care about Baathism, but my concern was more with the allowance of the Palestinian genocide. The USSR would’ve put troops on the ground.
China is currently being surrounded by US allies, like I agree, but the US won’t let that happen without going into a hot conflict.
It’s not about letting the US “win”. It’s witnessing a genocide and doing nothing to help. I don’t care about aid or diplomacy, I’m talking about lives. We are measuring these conditions with the death of a people. These revisionist states can very easily just…submit. The west has consistently shown that they will hollow out the core of all existing socialist projects because we all work within their framework.
I’m not American so yeah I agree. I don’t expect white people as a whole to do anything for decades at least. At least to the scale that is needed.
This is going to be real armchair leftist but I’ve been thinking about this for a while. Everything we’ve been seeing these past few years has really led me to believe that we’ve entered a period where all of the big let’s say anti-west if not anti-imperialists will wither away due to passivity. Russia, China, Iran, they will passively watch their allies blink out one by one, I’m pretty sure if the DPRK ever does invade SK or vice-versa, we will see China do the same thing Iran is doing now. The US will push every red line, the entity has gotten so bold, the of the world know this. I think we’ve reached a point where the Jakarta method has been perfected, the US will butcher anyone and they know that others will not retaliate.
It won’t happen but I think the only way out of this horrible mess is for the left to let go of compassion in a sense. Iran should have glassed Israel, and targeted hospitals and schools. Israel could win such a conflict yes but the fucking nazis would have left in droves, they don’t have the spine to live through even an inch of the hardship that our brothers and sisters in Palestine have been through. In a grander sense, and yeah yeah this is but who gives af, there needs to be mass retaliation. Like Algeria did against the French, or a reverse of what we’re seeing happening in Syria. If this is the Cold War 2.0, we are seeing a USSR that watched Vietnam fall without care. This a one-sided conflict, our “socialist” bloc is comprised of China, Vietnam (lol, they WILL side with the US), DPRK, and Cuba, idk nothing about Laos. There is no plan.
This isn’t meant to be doomerism, I just don’t know how these countries can just…watch. China is especially, hot take I guess, but I have no faith in their current strategy.
Currently no one, I use gimp for symbols and small stuff like that, AI for anything else as placeholders. My plan is to start looking for an artist once I’m about 70-80% done!
The biggest concern for me isn’t Israel’s escalation (they will escalate no matter what) but the US’s reaction. No way they don’t do something no? Either way, this has made my year, I’m glad to see Israelis feel in an inch of what they have given to others
there’s going to be more?? Has Israel ever been hit like this before?
may they all strike true
I’m so sorry. I understand the feeling. I don’t know anything that helps, the only thing that works for me is full repression. Like an on/off switch, I break down when I can and tell myself it’s not happening when I can’t.
It’s evil and hypocritical but I don’t know what else we can do. If there’s any chance of victory for any of us, there will always be an untold amount of death. I think in a way we have to come to terms with that.
Your ignorance is astounding, I wish my heart and head could be as empty as yours 👏
I’ve been here a long time and don’t want to say anything to you that gets me banned but you aren’t a comrade without empathy.
Edit: they’ve been banned, go fuck yourself you tragedy tourist
it’s the sign of someone who has no real connection to the struggle whatsoever, they don’t care about the human factor at all, this is just them trying to prove a point that literally holds no weight or value to anyone but themselves
they are more concerned with labeling things as losses, this
should be treated as such without being told you can’t call it what it is
is more important to them than anything else, they ignore anyone bringing up the real issue, fuck off, these issues are more than just a scoreboard. this is a matter of human lives, grow a spine and some empathy
why should I say anything? what I think they should or shouldn’t do means nothing, read my responses, I’m not telling you to show unbreakable faith in iran, hexbollah, or hamas, or to not believe that we are witnessing a loss.
I called you out leaving such a ridiculous message during this immense tragedy. @cleveroleg left this message and he is right.
Whether your analysis is correct or not, maybe not the best time to crow about how right you were and start calling people out, eh?
I don’t think your analysis is correct but when you use a moment like this, to harp on about that? It’s stupid, it’s asinine, it’s miserable especially when we have people here who have family in lebanon. I’m going to have to go to prayer and see people weeping for their lost families, friends, their country. Get a grip comrade and don’t fucking worry about having ‘a point’.
I truly think it can with the backing of the usa, it doesn’t need to sustain itself. It has an eternal IV drip because of the usa, unless it’s severed I don’t think it can outright die before taking as many people with them as possible
Hey so I have a question as someone who was morbidly obese last year, around 260 pounds, and I’m now currently at 190. I’m still overweight and I don’t view being “thin” as some optimal goal or anything especially nowadays, in where body standards are more open.
Anyway, my question is more about acceptance, I’m lucky enough to never deal with anything explictily fatphobic, though I think we have a different definition of what fatphobic is. Is a CW on discussions of how to lose weight, dieting, calorie deficits really necessary? By all means, none of us should be forced into one body type but I think we already see a growing acceptance of said body types. In the sense that, since we won’t likely see the systemic change needed to address all the corn syrup in our food, isn’t it on us as a community to support each other to be healthier? Not for an ideal aesthetic but for us to avoid the negative effects of obesity.