What do you call a cow with no legs?
Ground beef.
find /path -name *.json -exec sed -i ‘s/from/to/g’ {} ; -print
It was called Flash, Shockwave, and silverlight. They all met the same fate
Any info on a larger release? My kids and I love Studio G films
I do this for every item. I did buy some stuff this prime day and one item was in reality $5 cheaper… not the $15 Amazon said. I also sometimes find target, Walmart or Microcenter(frys) has just a good a deal: and those stores actually let you return stuff and give you your money back
I started with a DS216Play back in 2016. It’s been running 7 years non stop. It can serve so much including Plex but the cpu is too weak to do serious transcoding. I recently pulled the trigger on a DS220+. As before I got WD Reds as my older 5400rpm have worked so well over time. You can do your own research but at present only intel based can really transcode.
I use my NASes as the primary storage class in my k3s via nfs provisioned. More recently I setup a functional docker registry and portainer.io instance on them.
It has weight when real shops up and move out. I knew the Twitter diaspora was real when big news agencies like NPR and PBS jumped. I canceled my twitter and I had it since the start. I had gone with reddit a long… since digg… I feel like it’s quitting cigarettes… I’m breaking thru the fog only now. I will be interested on Jun 30 when all the 3rd party apps stop. But I haven’t deleted RIF yet… hard to drop what I paid for.
MN here too… enjoying Lemmy thus far