It’s another vector for societal division. They even have little made up slurs and everything! It’s just another psyop to make us hate each other more. The folks here are either sipping their boxed wine while giggling at the funny car memes and coded banter, thinking they are so clever with their stale attempt at dated, hyper-agressive circlejerk humor, OR they are actually, functionally disabled and cannot be trusted to tell fiction from reality. Either way, best to block and move on. There is nothing of value here. Unless you like ant farms.
Lol, dude get off the internet if you are that worried. It was literally in the marketing material, you buffoon.
“The fact that I have no proof means they are hiding something! Wake up sheeple!!1!”
Take your meds, friend.
It already does? I use it to remove videos that my wife or kid accidentally watched on my account. Removing the vids keeps them out of my algorithm.
You can already remove videos from your watch history.
I am borderline worshipping the algorithm for constantly bringing me new music to dig. A good 80% of the artists I’ve picked up in the last few years came as recommended by youtube or GPM/YT Music. And we aren’t just talking well known artists, either. Lots of good indie shit too! Idk, I guess if the internet is going to be allowed to know anything about me, it’s gonna be my music tastes.
You cannot stop kids from looking at porn. Doesn’t matter how hard you try, they will find a way around it. This is about collecting a database of porn preferences to probably use as blackmail.
Tbf, people comment on almost any software with “keygen flagged as Trojan! Avoid!!1!” There are a lot of folk who aren’t as on the ball with this stuff that don’t know how anti-virus works or what a false positive is. It does get annoying dealing with those folk.
deleted by creator
“So, any of you fellas wanna chance to see Europe?”
Followed by:
“Congratulations, you’re going to Europe! Fill out this will.”
Sucks to be them, cause it looks like they are getting Trump.
Cause it’s Microsoft. It’s amazing for porn.
She’s a goddamned moron. Feel free to check my correspondence with her on her post. That being said, you guys do need to have a conversation about fauxbait. It is legal, obviously so to anyone with half a brain cell, but the name does kinda cast a poor shadow on the instance. As we know, morons are loud and obnoxious and draw all kinds of unwanted attention, but they usually get what they want. Ya gotta ask yourselves if the community is worth the trouble it is going to continue to bring.
I have been having better luck with goddamn BING, ffs. Do you realize how embarrassing that is, Google?
Idk, after that whole “deleting all their correspondence when asked to hand it over” thing, I think I’d bite them too.
Or, just maybe, I was fuckin’ with him and you took it in earnest? It struck me as weird they made a comment about consent, so I leaned into it.
I’ll give you a bit of advice about me, since you seem pretty nice: I am almost never serious. I like to get into arguments on the internet for fun, and if I see a crack in the wall, I’m gonna dick with it. I’m a devils advocate incarnate.
EDIT: maybe I was a little excited because I was having too much fun arguing with that blahaj admin. Apologies for any offense!
XTL said “when you have their consent” like I’m just gonna force myself on someone. And nowhere was it stated that we had consent to call them “good girl,” so to throw that out there seems a bit…idk…assholish?
And please, tell me how I am making said compelling case. Pretty sure your off in lala land building a strawman in your subconscious. Projection, maybe?
So I can call 'em “good girl” without their consent, but I need consent to call them a “bad girl”
Also, why do you assume that I am a rapist by default?
Reel it in, bub. Your mask is starting to peel.
Unless you are serious, in which case, seek psychiatric help.