Did you play any games past ultima? It pioneered a laundry list of features that game are still using.
Did you play any games past ultima? It pioneered a laundry list of features that game are still using.
Ultima. Easy.
Have you read anything other than this article? Law enforcement can track your phone, even when airplane mode is on, even if you take the battety out. They can know that a device was in a specific area at a specific time and will not need a warrant with the cooperation of corporations. No stingray is needed.
I guess it’s better than them knowing my name, where I live, and to track me home?
Found the fed.
I never claimed there was anything wrong with money? As far as I thought, I was arguing that it was a tool so useful it would be reinvented if a society did away with it.
I wouldn’t kill my neighbor? Was that too complicated an example? I think that money, like an axe, is a tool that can be used differently in different contexts. ‘Money’ isn’t the issue. How it’s used is the issue, which is why I think we would invent it. You don’t solve the ‘issues’ of an axe. You don’t solve the ‘issues’ of money. Capitalism uses stand-ins for value to harm people, but I am not convinced it’s an inherent trait of value stand-ins. I think LV’s are money, so I think you think that is true also.
I am aware of this. It’s functionally no different than a dollar bill. The fact that I intend to melt down an axe after I use it to chop a tree down doesn’t make it not an axehead. If I used that same axe to hack my neighbor to death, well, that’s a completely different use. In the case of communist ‘money’, I think we would cease using money to kill our neighbor.
Anything you exchange as a representation or substitute for something else of value. I think communism would reinvent what I consider money but wouldn’t use it as it’s used under capitalism.
I think if we eliminated money, we would just invent it again and call it something else.
Don’t take this the wrong way, but it’s hard for me to contain my incredulity: have you been asleep for the last decade? Has a very obvious pattern of enshitification not been constantly proven as a rule on the tech sector? And an article is… outrage?
Oh god, how will replace a completely basic word processor? Surely there are not numerous replacements?
Can we PLEASE get custom game modes? Siege would be ideal for trouble in terrorist town.
ICE: New recruits, you say?
This actually isn’t enough, right? It just results in a hung jury, and the prosecution gets another bite at the apple. You need to actively convince your fellow jurors to render a not-guilty verdict.
What a weird little freak.
While I agree with most of what you are saying, I don’t think this is an example of gaslighting. This is just run of the mill dishonesty.
Do you know me, IRL?