Ukraine was already fighting one world power, now they have to fight two.
Slava Ukraini!
Ukraine was already fighting one world power, now they have to fight two.
Slava Ukraini!
You argue in such bad faith. You also just appeared on Lemmy to spread misinformation and it’s clear that everyone here realises that.
So to continue this would just give you more opportunities to spread your bullshit, so I’m going to just block you and move on.
Also fuck you and fuck off back to reddit.
Until next month right?
Lol. Like they are mutually exclusive.
No it isn’t, US sanctioned Belarus in 2013 in violation of the agreement and America’s only response was that the Memorandum is “not legally binding” and this action made it null and void in its entirety.
Ukraine followed the agreement and disarmed itself, Russia did not and actually armed up, you skipped that part… Russia was also forbidden to continue military actions and they did anyway. (This included the illegal occupation of Crimea, followed by a falsified gun-point referendum. By doing this, Russia completely disregarded its obligations to respect Ukrainian borders and independence).
It depends if you consider null and void due to 2014 coup or not.
It depends? One can argue? Do you want to commit here or just dance around the point
No Russian action undertaken under the Minsk II agreements ever violated the SPIRIT of the agreement. While you can claim they technically violated the agreement, they did not violate the spirit of the agreement as both sides generally observed the cease fire aside form the occasional shelling from both sides.
The spirit of the agreement? What the fuck are you talking about… They broke the agreement thousands of times.
Fuck you, fuck off and fuck Russia.
Budapest Memorandum was made null and void when the US sanctioned Belarus which is explicitly prohibited in the agreement
Oh you mean the one where Ukraine disarmed itself in exchange for sovereignty and protection and Russia armed up and got sanctioned for breaking the agreement. What a dumb fucking example.
The 1997 Treaty on Friendship was not renewed although one can argue that Russian actions in 2014 violated it.
One can argue? No Russia broke this agreement too.
Minsk II was made null and void after Ukraine not only refused to implement them but created laws that violated the spirit of the agreement.
All the treaties except for the Minsk Agreements were basically made null and void following the 2014 coup.
Minsk I was violated by Russia almost immediately after it was made.
Minsk Agreements had already been violated by Russian troops more than 4000 times, as noted by the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense during a meeting of the Ukraine-NATO Inter-Parliamentary Council. Ukrainians were shelled both from the temporarily occupied territories and from across the Russian border.
Russia has never honoured a single agreement with Ukraine, and has used each treaty to force Ukraine to weaken itself.
Fuck off.
It’s like 600 watts and 50+ amps, its going to get more than hot
Russia has broken every treaty they have signed with Ukraine, why even bother after 20+ times?
deleted by creator
How can he tell if women are vaccinated before he traffics them.
Love how it couldn’t decide if he is smoking a pipe or a cigarette
My finger is reeee…blue!
This guy already blocked me as he believes women cannot handle being treated like adults and I called him out for it. Just block this fool and move on.
You’re not the one with the power to censor me, and I’ve been censored already for trying to discuss reality.
Why can’t you answer my question?
I can tell you’re upset at me because I say hard truths you don’t like. I’m going to block you now because you’re going to keep pestering me to satisfy your herd mentality
You have yet to present a single truth so far, so why would I be upset? You can’t even explain your “truth” when asked multiple times.
Run away.
That’s because I get censored without being able to engage in an actual discussion.
I just asked you to give your reasoning and you are bitching about being censored. I’ll ask again, how do women get treated like babies… Or do you not have the ability to articulate your point?
Lol, keep covering your ears to truths you don’t like. I don’t expect more from you people at this point.
Only an idiot would think that was a good reply.
Try again?
Well, if we stopped babying women and treated them like adults, then maybe this would seem more farfetched.
How do we treat women like babies? You keep popping up here and you never provide examples or evidence to support your perspective/argument.
Unfortunately, most women think being treated as an adult is being “unfair” to them because they’re so used to being treated like children.
How to tell everyone you are an incel without directly saying so. When did trolling become this sad.
Regardless of your answer you are being fired, use this as an opportunity to tell Musk to go fuck himself.
Will it change anything, no. But it would feel very cathartic.
We should honestly update maps to show America as a Russian state. It’s still crazy that America won the cold war, but managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
Just block this loser, their whole account is just this kinda bullshit.
Probs the only reason for many to buy a console these days. For the cost of a high end GPU you can get an entire system and some games.