That’s a shame! Maybe there’s a place for an “OSMService”, serving maps to apps.
I’ve purchased OSMAnd on Android and I love it. But would like to try out Organic Maps.
I wonder: Is there a way to share the maps between the two? Or am I forced to keep both copies?
Thank you all. That’s what I thought - no way to make the query the way I was thinking of.
I realize that, if i’d like to have a program search for repos not configured in sources.list, then I would have to specify the repo as well (the https:// link, I mean).
The website half-fixes the problem, since it tells me the release the package might be in. But still doesn’t tell me whether it is in main, contrib or non-free (section?).
Don’t worry about me creating a frankendebian by mixing releases - I destroy my system in other more subtle ways like adding appimage applications as if there was no tomorrow.
Someone already mentioned The art of command-line. It’s a start.
And just use it… you’ll get better at it with time and practice.
Also, make sure your use of the CLI enhances your workflow, or it won’t work.
Idea for next social media platform: call them circles.
One more: exactly like lemmy but call them rooms.
Another: exactly like every other one but call them… groups (ups, you might have to fight google though - “groups” might be trademarked!)
Sorry for the sarcasm, but shouldn’t this be set in the spec for the fediverse protocol already?
Don’t know the site you’re looking for - might have never seen it. But I saw a tip a while back: name YOUR scripts something like “,script” (with a comma, or other confortable to type character as 1st character). It would be odd to ever find a colision.
I just don’t do that though! Too odd!