As an ex amazon warehouse worker , it was a mixed bag . Some locations are known for being terrible , but for the most part was a well paying job in the right locations . I just think its dumb they made a holiday of their own to sell more stuff right in the middle of the slowest part of the year , I remember 2019s prime day , they highered a ton of Temps to cover this one week , volume was high for a few weeks , and then went back to the lull . The thing they don’t mention , prime day from my experience seemed to pull in less and less volume every year , last years wasent evin realy an increase in packages . With ups going on strike , the volume may go up , but amazon has made more than a few blunders in the past few years that have hobbled it , they expanded to a bunch of new stations that had to be shuttered within years . My location put a bunch of money into renovations , expanded the warehouse over 2 years , then abruptly last year shut down . Was a legacy site too .
Thats an amazon flex driver , its like a much more strict uber eats , they only hire so many flex drivers , but it works similar to uber , pick your hours , they normaly have a route between 1-3 hours , around 25-100 packages , used to be more , but they lowered it . Amazon has delivery service providers for the main vans , they are “self made companies” . Amazon provides the initial cash to start them , normaly charges them for the vans , and has nearly all controle over them . They live in a legal gray area , most have few enough “employees” to skirt large business laws .