Is this an EVE reference? It’s been at least 10 years since I’ve last played… ah the memories.
Is this an EVE reference? It’s been at least 10 years since I’ve last played… ah the memories.
Well, that should be part of your hourly rate. I’m also self-employed and sick and personal days-off are factored in (with a large margin too, just in case!).
Surprise! Waze is owned by Google :-(
Refer them to nohello.net
Im not in bed with Nintendo here, as I very much disagree with their aggressive stance against emulators and such - but I do believe that your argument ‘they don’t release it for PC so I’m gonna pirate’ doesn’t hold up. You can still support the people creating the games (which give you lots of hours of entertainment) by buying a copy for the Swtich. Some countries even allow you to back up your game cartridge and play it on PC so you’d be completely within your rights even.
Saw your new film this morning. Great stuff, I’m actually astonished it got green-lit, it being a bit weird (in a good way!) at times. I too am damn sure you’re nothing more than a parody account… but here I am hoping it isn’t ;-).
I mean, there’s already the Affinity suite which kinda comes close to the features of Adobe’s suite. Paid for a lifetime license, never had to look back. I do some software development on the side, and can attest that this is a really big undertaking that should not be taken lightly. More competition is always better, but I’ll believe it when I see it.
Ohh, can really recommend Bartender as well! If you have a lot of apps using the precious space in your statusbar (Docker; OneDrive; etc) this solves it nicely!