Dishonored 3? Where did you find that one already?
Dishonored 3? Where did you find that one already?
Nice, thanks! This will come in handy
Heavily paywalled, anyone have a better link to this article?
Having never played rdr1, do you still recommend it, knowing I played through rdr2 already? I’m wondering if I should put it on my wishlist to pick it up at a sale or not even bother.
Why do you even rinse? Let the dishwasher take care of it!
While I know of Garuda, I have no experience in using it, hence I cannot recommend it. IIRC it’s also quite gaming-focused? Their default neon look and feel throws me off, I would have to clean it all up for my tastes, which I don´t want to bother with.
I’ve become a lazy arch-based linux distro user…
I do, using endeavourOS, which is basically “arch but with a graphical installer, using some sane defaults”. Not 100% true, but true enough to think of it as such.
If you have no experience installing Linux, either use endeavouros, or go the RFTM way, and use arch. But that last one requires a lot of reading, and grasping quite a lot of Linux concepts, or be willing to learn them.
PS: I do use plain arch on my AMD laptop, but couldn’t be arsed to go through the installation for my Nvidia desktop.
Endeavouros ofcourse! All the goodness of arch, but with the ease of installation of any other desktop based distro!
Their ranges are running dry. Nearly all address spaces are taken, so we will need to migrate eventually. However, since almost everyone still supports both, and ipv4 is much easier to read and maintain, adoption of IPv6 has been slow.
The coat was given to him by a German officer, which also provided him with some food while he was hidden in the attic of a large abandoned house the Germans had taken over to use as base of operations. The officer gave him the coat on the night they retreated from the Russians, which are the dudes in the middlest frame.