What is your dose?
What is your dose?
Cool. Do Wexner next.
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Interesting. I’m from the US and I usually think of carrion birds as buzzards. Around here we use the term for turkey vultures.
It’s BS that you can borrow against it. If he did sell it the valuation would drop.
If this is all Nvidia stock let him try to cash out and see what happens.
Hearing this made me sad that I don’t get to hear most of the north American song birds. IIRC they were either shot or out competed by European species like starlings or sparrows. 😟
Of course it’s a pump and dump. The question is can you get in and out before the dump?
I have kids and when I took them on trips when they were little, I would book the most direct option. I didn’t consider the option where I could inconvenience the most entitled people.
I’ll never get why people get so worked up by babies crying on airplanes. The kids parents are just trying to get somewhere, same as everyone else. The plane is not your bedroom, or office, theater, or library. You know what you’re getting into when you board. You’re going to be in close quarters with strangers. Some of them might be kids that cry, some might be so old or weak that they have trouble stuffing their oversized carry on into the overhead bin. The difference is the weak person could have chosen to check the bag. Can you tell what my flying pet annoyance is? You just never know what you’re gonna get.
Like someone already said, the airlines don’t do it bc there’s no money in it.
Ubiquity also has some managed switches with sfp+ ports. They are more expensive than the one listed above however.
Start googling. Hardware or Software based? How techy are you? RAID should not be considered for backup. Think of it as an individual drive. Still needs a backup. Personally I use a ZFS pool in my Linux homelab that’s been rock solid. However the pucker factor would be high if a drive fails.
Depends on how you set them up. There are calculators online that can estimate this for you.
I used NAS drives bc they’re expected to be spinning a lot.
No. You will see better performance on average compared to your slowest drive.
I have no relevant experience with specific hardware. For a general base of knowledge figure out what RAID type you want to use. Look at what ZFS or btrfs can do in this space. Same for unraid.
Use separate accounts. Not as convenient as a multi but the best I’ve come up with so far.
IIRC it turned into a SEO brigaded mess there when I switched.
Must have a big yard! Mine is good for 1/2 acre but it could just run more often so I think you could stretch it a bit
My robot mower does this. It traverses the lawn like a Roomba. Took me awhile to get used to.
I’m glad it’s working for you. I had a similar experience. It’s called Vyvanse in the States. Your post caught my eye as I thought maybe there was a different drug for me to look into.
I started on 10mg for a month and worked up to 40 for work days and 30 for non-work days. I took concerta (Ritalin) for a period about 10 years ago. I get some mood swings and headaches when stimulant meds wear off. I don’t like taking the meds on weekends so I was stuck in a cycle where Monday evening I would be extra grumpy and have headaches for about 2 hours and then it would disappear. I figured that it was due to the med wearing off. After starting Vyanse I was fine for a couple weeks but then started noticing the same pattern. Headaches and a hatefull mood on Monday evening. My Dr and I came up with a plan to not stop the med on the weekend, instead take a smaller dose. This really works well for me. I’m able to get stuff done on weekends too and it solves my headache and mood issues by getting a bit of a break but maintaining a certain level over the weekend.
My complaints are feeling like it mutes some positive personality traits, weight, and sleep. My wife has more difficulty reading my facial expressions sometimes, which leads to some assumptions that may not be correct. She’ll think that I don’t care about something we’re discussing because I don’t appear to react.
I’ve lost about 30 lbs or 15kg. I really noticed the appetite suppression when I started taking Vyvanse but I think that’s leveled off. I really think I eat like normal but my wife tells me that’s not true. Truthfully I’m happy about the weight loss but I need to make sure not to let it get out of control.
I’ve been a night person my entire adult life. It’s led to only getting 5 hours a night even when I’m off meds. Now sleep is even harder. It’s not so much falling asleep that’s the problem, it’s that I’ll wake up after 5 hours (even if my alarm is off) and not be able to go back to sleep. I’ve tried melatonin and it seems to help but I have to get the timing and dose right. If my alarm goes off before the melatonin wears off I’ll be very foggy for 20 min or so in the morning.