Venting is fun
An army of dumbass yokels who don’t answer to anyone or anything but their god Trump.
X is blocking all searches of his name
They’ll be conservative superheroes when the trial starts
They’re begging someone to get involved.
I don’t blame them, constant rocket attacks probably wasn’t on the brochure. They’re selling lies.
A lot of fucking racism surrounding this story. Apparently people are just now realizing Baltimore has a black mayor and they’re quite mad about it.
It’s like poetry it rhymes
That literally looks like Todd. How uncanny
Jeez, is he being paid off? Seriously, this sounds like someone has their fingers in your group to push a narrative.
The worst part is that more and more websites are either trying to force you to give up adblock or have ways to get around it. There’s only like one website I whitelist and that’s because they offer an valuable service to me.
This is like the third time the US government has passed legislation to take control of the internet. Must be a lot of red tape.
I’m not sure what the plan is honestly, banning TikTok because the Israeli lobby told them too is going to lose a huge chunk of the voters on both sides. But since Biden is president (which I’m starting to think he’s forgotten himself) the blowback is going to hurt the Dems much more.
It’s a violent (over)reaction to 2013-2016 SJW culture. Now hating women and minorities makes you “based” and not a weirdo.
Nothing really shows just how dismal the situation is better than the fact that talking about the genocide is a quick way to be deplatformed. The zionists are being protected by all the major social media companies and other media giants.
This sounds like the AIPAC check came through for old Donny because he clearly did not care about this issue before.
What a dick
They are pawns. We’re seeing that now with Taylor Swift.
How are they getting these interviews exactly?
The usual suspects are saying these are a bunch of undercover feds. I disagree because false flags need to have a point, if this were the FBI they’d have some Pro Palestine flags up there
Man Benny gets around doesn’t he?