Omg yes and it’s my favorite. Absolutely hands down, the best.
There is a place in Vancouver called AJ’s brooklyn pizza joint that does a Detroit style pizza, I’ll usually grab one every couple of months.
Omg yes and it’s my favorite. Absolutely hands down, the best.
There is a place in Vancouver called AJ’s brooklyn pizza joint that does a Detroit style pizza, I’ll usually grab one every couple of months.
The first one is the worst. My dad says this to me all the time, well, why is it that I have to do all the work, they never try to maintain a relationship with me. Also, fuck them, they are terrible people, maybe I don’t want to maintain a relationship with toxic shitty people even if they are family.
This is an interesting one.
When I was 15, I was homeless
I have a love hate relationship with it. I absolutely love it when I’m consistent with it. When I fall off the wagon, I hate trying to get back into it. Its hard and I could easily just go and do anything else.
I kinda always wanted one for an HTPC, eventually there were better options and the need for one just went away.
Oh yeah, that’s a shit punch. That guy needs a bit of advice. And keep punching nazis
After highschool (I actually dropped out) I worked a ton of dead end jobs. Cooking mostly, but there was roofing, painting, digging holes, lots of manual labour.
Eventually I moved to Vancouver and had an opportunity to become a card dealer. It was… How do I put it so you can fully understand… The worst experience by far, ever. It was toxic abusive, exhausting, and just all around the worst.
My partner at the time got pregnant and she actually gave me an out, said I didn’t have to be there at all. I thought my options over and decided I was going to be apart of this kids life and enrolled in college for IT. It was a bit of cheating really, I was already good at it so why not. 18 years later, I’m a consultant, doing well and my daughter is starting grade 12 next year.