Gonna be so weird seeing him in a Bayern shirt
Gonna be so weird seeing him in a Bayern shirt
I’m just waiting for the new AMD mid range cards. I have had some weird problems with Nvidia because of drivers over the years, so I’m finally switching camp for the next card to see how it is.
If you don’t like it, don’t use it. I like it so I use it. I don’t have to validate my choices with things that don’t matter.
I have used Wayland on NVIDIA for couple of years now. It’s not perfect, but generally it’s usable and I haven’t used X11 after I switched. My current issues are probably more from applications not supporting Wayland, because XWayland can cause some annoyances when using programs through it.
Not sure if it got updated, but at least I have one lff lifetime subscription possibility in the settings
It’s pretty expensive though
The older I get, the less I want to learn new competitive games because I just don’t have time anymore. It’s just nice to go back to something familiar every now and then.