2 years agoNope. Re-saved the password, quit the app and came back in. Still seeing nsfw communities. Thanks for the suggestion though. Probably a bug that will get fixed soon.
Nope. Re-saved the password, quit the app and came back in. Still seeing nsfw communities. Thanks for the suggestion though. Probably a bug that will get fixed soon.
Thanks. I’ll try that
I’ve got the same issue. I think it was working yesterday because I’ve suddenly got a bunch of nsfw communities showing up in the All feed. Didn’t see any before today.
That setting isn’t working very well on Memmy at the moment. I’ve had it disabled since I got the app and it was working, but suddenly all the nsfw subs are showing up in the feed.
I used to foster cats and once had a kitten then got into the washing machine without me realising it. Machine was running for a bit over 5 mins before I realised what had happened. He was ok, just really wet and shaken up, and took ages to calm down. Little idiot still tried to climb in again the week after. But after that, I did kitten counts whenever I did ran a load. As in, filled the machine, closed it , then counted all the kittens. Did this until I stopped fostering. And even with that, I’d have moments of panicking hearing the washing machine and have to go count again. Even had times when the house was cat free that I’d get that feeling.