It should have said “…is 0.2 times longer”
Yep. Turns out guitar and amp knob just work. Was the same on my gmmk pro.
FYI, there is a json file for this on the Keychron site that you can load as custom on the usevia site. It works now!
This. Track everything. Once you see it all in front of you and assuming you don’t hide the spending from yourself, it is very eye opening.
I spend how much on beer!?!
Be ruthless with tracking and, assuming you found a job with a living wage, and the cost cutting opportunities will start to show themselves
Nice collection my man. The wood on the Ibanez is killer!!
Giving a cancer cure for free to a cancer patient is deeply unfair to people without cancer…said Republicans probably
Looks nice! I like the hint of blue.
Also have the Q6. I would like to see what you’ve done if you feel like posting picture and details. I am looking to replace the stock gateron pro browns with either glorious pandas or u4t. Also have a 9009 colorway cap set on the way.
Galaxies are not evenly distributed in space. Instead, when you look at the universe, galaxies are grouped in giant strings that look like a neural connections in a brain.
I was just looking at this logo today for the first time in decades, and here it is again. I want it on a custom keycap for my 9009 colorway KQ6.
Yeah, good point. May just be clear and say “It is 1/5th the length”?