He needed it to advertise the website that was linked right after he posted it.
Don’t make me tell Spudgun where you live!
He needed it to advertise the website that was linked right after he posted it.
Personally I found the first 2 seasons much better than the rest. The rest were hit or miss with not so many hits the further the seasons progressed. Not saying they were bad, but the quality of the plots dropped significantly for seasons 4-5.
It’s still amazes me how little polish there is to the official Reddit app compared to other third party apps. I used Firefox browser until I adopted RIF. I tried to use the official app after the deadline came and the amount of ads that I was bombarded with just became unbearable. I understand they need to make money. I understand they do this by advertising. But when they start using deceptive practices like blending the ads into genuine post they cross the line. I was a heavy user I would say greater than 2 hours a day spent on Reddit. I didn’t go cold turkey but I’m down to checking top and top last hour once or twice a day now. I deleted my main account which made it very easy to stay away.
Leviticus 20:13-15:
13 If a man lies with another man as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood guilt shall be upon them. 14 If a man lies with a woman and also her mother, it is wickedness. Both he and they shall be burned with fire, so that there is no wickedness among you. 15 If a man lies with an animal, he shall surely be put to death, and you shall kill the animal.
There is NO GOOD RELIGION. Every religion that was ever created was intended to control the masses. The world would be so much better if we got together and had a religious purge. Think for yourself and don’t let a imaginary sky god control your thoughts and lives.
edit: And before you chime in and say, “but thats the old testament!”
Jesus believed that the Old Testament was divinely inspired, the veritable Word of God. He said, ‘The Scripture cannot be broken’ (John 10:35). He referred to Scripture as ‘the commandment of God’ (Matthew 15:3) and as the ‘Word of God’ (Mark 7:13). He also indicated that it was indestructible: ‘Until Heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass away from the law, until all is accomplished’ (Matthew 5:18).
It would be nice to see some some of the admins go rogue also. I know it’s a lot to ask for people to sacrifice their jobs but some people still have ethics. And some people are in a positions where they can leave their job and pick up another one within hours or days if they’re in the demanding field.
I’m not sure if I’m understanding this one. But assuming that you’re hosting your own server and you work away from home and want to connect in on the weekends. If you have https forced and it’s also on in the app you’re using to connect, any traffic between your end and the server is automatically encrypted. The only thing your ISP is going to see are data packets going from you to your server back and forth. Same if you’re hosting for 10 users. All of VPN does is give you another point hop between the server and your client. Vpns are useful if you’re trying to to block your ISP from seeing that you connect to a certain site on the internet. But just logging in remotely to your server it’s absolutely useless.
I think the whole point is to keep them from merging. No centralization. That way you can up and down vote servers along with post or block certain servers altogether. Now they might be able to incorporate it some way in the app where you could group common instances and assign your own categories. That would work pretty well.
Isn’t that the point of decentralization allowing users to pick and choose what they want to see? If you don’t want to see Loli all you have to do is block the server from your feed. I’m not a fan of Hentaiof any of its subs. But I digress, I’m not on your server so I guess I don’t really have a say. 😁
Between Reddit getting rid of moderation tool, now Musk getting rid of block, it’s going to be a race for which becomes 4chan2.
Cool, they must have found a bigger liar to replace him at Bethesda. It took them some time searching but they finally did it.
I hope it all burns 🔥🔥🔥 I deleted my two accounts. I went to the main page today without an ad blocker just to see what it’s like because I haven’t used it that way in like 8 years. It’s ridiculous it’s just filled with ads and spam now. I’ve been using RIF for most of my time on Reddit and there’s no going back. They should have let sleeping dogs lie.
Not all subreddits are following the 2 day blackout rule. Some have gone private indefinitely and others are going dark until they think matters are being addressed reasonably.
Seems that the past couple of days some subreddits have been removing links that suggest migration to any alternatives such as Lemmy, Kbin and Mastadon. Hopefully the exodus continues!!!
Firefox then RIF