Does that mean the service will be worse going forward. Potentially endangering lives
Does that mean the service will be worse going forward. Potentially endangering lives
Things change though. All major civilisations have collapsed. I’m sure the Romans said it couldn’t happen. The Aztecs the Greeks. Yet nothing lives for ever.
Only three things are true
Everything dies Politicians are corrupt Things come to an end
Stock market has been going up since it’s inception.it either has to stop at some point or monetary value loses all meaning. It already has and the market is fictional. Running on pure bullshit. Companies being valued at billions when they don’t even turn a profit. Unicorn’s are a dime a dozen. Systems fucked
If only there was an alternative. Some kinda fox. A fox that was set aflame
I used to really like pixel launcher on my OnePlus phone. I’ll get nova a try. Is it just an app. I can’t remember how I used to set it up. I know they started discontinuing launchers
How’s it FUD ? I’m assuming it’s the drop from mainstar pull back but haven’t seen much in it. I don’t frequent reddit anymore so kinda out of the loop
How’d you change it ?
Good. More gme bought. Hopefully better turn around
Absolutely will not be telling me friends and family.
But I know this. That doesn’t change the fact that DRS isn’t going to hit 100%. At its current speed it’s barely going to hit 100.
That’s fine it hopefully puts stress on hedge’s but what I think gme and Cohen should be doing is talking to his shareholders.
It’s been silence since they removed top brass. That’s not a good sign. Keep those that kept the business going in the loop.
It’s not stopped but it has dropped to a trickle. Which is why I’m hoping to hear from Cohen.
Or. I can do whatever the fuck I want. Which is what I will do. I have invested in the company. I and all shareholder’s should be critical of what boards do with their money.
So nah don’t think I’ll just shut up and wait. Watch companies go under as the board get rich off their backs
Why do you think collapse ?
I had assumed collapse for last 10 years but here we are. They can keep kicking the can and hiding their cash. We know China is lying about their GDP and yet they are continuing with all their projects.
Money is just made up and if you are a country and big enough you can just fudge numbers. Look at Pentagon losing trillions. It’s just gut wrenching with this much money while normal people struggle day to day.
They could be running right now. Nobody would know. System is running as it was designed.
Yeah I think there should be statements to the shareholders. The ones who have kept the company going. They don’t need to tell the world their strategy but a bit of a heads up would do wonders for the morale
True. DRS was a new movement. It was speculated after the split. It shouldn’t need to get to 100% to get moass. However it would be useful as a good tool to point out to the world that fuckery existed. If computer share Ryan Cohen or anyone else could point at 100% ownership and yer shares will still magically appearing out of thin air.
DRS is a great concept and fuck the brokers. But what’s your idea for moass. Why will it just happen? Without a catalyst
In what way is that shill ?
Remind me again what a shill is ?
Oh I don’t doubt that there is pure fuckery about. I just don’t see how slowly accumulating Drs at less than a mil a year stops the hedgies cheating at the system.
True. There’s an awful lot of attacks on gme. However what will hurt the hedgies. Cause the short squeeze. That’s important
Thought I recognized the name. Last of us reference?
I think anything that reduces the elites would be effective.
And just generally forcing people to do better.
Less costs for those that reuse and a scale for people reducing their landfill rubbish.
Incentives for public transportation and other forms of transportation.
Incentives for planting more and reducing concrete use and destruction of native plants.
Grey water application and solar on all new roofs.
A complete stop to plastic use for everything would also be helpful. People myself included find it almost impossible to not purchase plastic.
Bread. Comes in plastic bag. Cheese cucumber all meat products. Crackers in a plastic tray. It’s cheap for supermarkets to use plastic and we pay for cleanup. Move costs to them and they will change to cheaper.
Cardboard can be broken down and hood for composting.
Can you post sources for that. I haven’t heard of any of that. Wood sure but a lot of it is burnt so not great. Plus planting trees to then cull them release it back into atmosphere.
So it’s basically stopped. That’s a real shame. However Cohen never explained the change in DRS and has yet to really speak up on anything. 2 years of cryptic clues and not anything concrete for the shareholders.
I was confident in game but as time goes on I’m less and less. Very little of the dollar end game has happened. Inflation is slowing. Evergrande has been in free fall since almost the start of the game saga.
I buy less and less gme these days because I don’t see it working out. Others are clearly the same as Drs has dropped off a cliff.
Who loves Elon ?