Who cares about this manufactured drama?
Who cares about this manufactured drama?
Texas has a pilot going through some major interstate hubs
Having read Mark Twain’s autobiographical travel log, I love that he himself is a bit of bigot - stereotyping quite a few of those peoples he meets on the way.
Albeit in a fairly human way and with a bit of irony about it. Great writer interesting human.
My friend, I said I was surprised at the tactics not at the goal.
I’m tuned in to the situation, but appreciate the links
It’s not about”progressives” it’s about the average Joe voter who (in some ways rightly) couldn’t see a difference enough to make voting (an unnecessarily difficult chore) worthwhile.
The second problem, is that there is no collective class consciousness. At best there is maybe a collective unconscious feeling. Progressives often ascribe a much greater awareness than is warranted to the proletariat. Ironically after likely doing no organizing other than debating each other in closed left wing YouTube and Reddit threads.
This is funny but I can’t upvote AI nonsense out of principle :-(
There is a fun Netflix documentary where a guy creates his own cult: Kumare.
In the end he feels bad for taking advantage of peoples’ trust particularly when vulnerable and has a semi-sincere apology for including them in his project.
So the first requirement is you need to be a bit of a sociopath or a true believer (aka a bit crazy)
Sounds comfy. Could depend on the spinal support and alignment though. A cot keeps you off uneven ground. FWIW
My man, you need a better bed. I get this whenever I sleep on a shit bed somewhere.
If you’re camping take a cot
Disgusting. There need to be assault charges on the officers and the department needs a overhaul and oversight. Watch the video if you don’t agree
The privatization of the common took place in many other economic regimes, e.g. feudalism, slavery, mercantilism, …
Capitalism is about the privatization of capital
Not an accurate description of capitalism, not based
As someone with a technical background this is the stupidest problem with solar that I don’t get… just turn off the panels in groups until generation is closer to demand… how have engineers not figured that out. And if they have why does this still get written about.
Someone is an idiot. Maybe it’s me?
Your name is lucid nightmare lol… I’m not buying it ;-P
As someone who worked night shifts for a little - it’s really not healthy.
There are studies showing that type of disruption to your circadian rhythm can take like more than a decade off your life. After doing it for a while I felt it impacting my well being, not being really awake, hitting the bed and falling asleep immediately but not deeply, super high base load of stress and heart pain.
FWIW , I’m talking working 11-4/6am type night shifts, not the late night retail/bar shifts which are tough in their own right
Can you clarify, who are you talking about?