Old & Deaf, but still not dead 🤣 Far too much sport for my age. Arch Linux user, and now Debian for a HomeAssitant setup. Open source user where possible, computers and gadgets to keep me occupied & thinking. https://www.minty95.com/

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023

  • I would use two different disks, the one that you have already for windows and a second one for Linux. When you’re ready to install Linux Unplug the windows disk, so that you can’t screw it up ( been there, did that 😭) then when you need to use either the Linux or Windows Just choose the start up disk in bios at booting, usually F11, a tiny bit longer than dual booting, but it will save you a lot of hassle. Dual booting is rather dangerous as windows has the annoying habit of wiping Linux grub setups when updating, and Linux has the annoying habit of wiping everything, two different disks, much easier.

  • Timeshift for the system, works perfectly, if you screw up the system, bad update for instance just start it, and you’ll be back up running in less than ten minutes. Simple Cron backups for data, documents etc, just in case you delete a folder, document, image etc . Both of these options to a second internal HD

  • I use timeshift, on Arch and a Debian setup . It’s simple to set up, I do a automatic snapshot once a day, so if something breaks, just boot into tty and restore the previous day’s snapshot, takes about five minutes. Not sure why you say ext4 doesn’t work as it does. Haven’t tried the other programs that you talked about

  • I keep a diary using Diaro on my android phone. I started a long time ago in note books, but as even I can’t alway read my own writing, switched to typing. I don’t write much, mostly rubbish, what I do find useful is the ability to search and find things, ‘repaired the fridge’ ‘changed the battery in the smoke alarm’, ‘had so and so around for dinner’ , ‘bought this and that’ … It’s only for myself, do when I’m dead and gone it will just disappear like myself

  • I do a Syu almost every day, I also do a Timeshift snapshot every day. So if ever something is broken I can just boot into TS and reinstall yesterday’s working system. Then I read the forums. That way I can see what breaks the system Only ever needed to that twice because of Nvidia updates (I’m running a very old card)