Thank you. I needed that explanation.
Thank you. I needed that explanation.
Well. Something is definitely wrong. I think the Li-ion battery is fried, it’s losing charge immediately after unplugged from the charger. It powers the bike enough to try to start it, but then falls off to under 10V. The gel battery doesn’t even get there, it’s losing charge apparently immediately when I press the starter.
There’s no leakage, as far as I can measure. About the grounds, I still don’t know. But it seems like that could be the issue. I don’t know if I can do that whole measuring on my own though. Maybe I need a mechanic to pick up my bike and pay for that. I just don’t have the equipment or space to take my bike apart, check the spark plugs or anything. Do you maybe have a good tutorial for dummies like me on how to check the grounds?
Thank you my friend! This is what I needed. An explanation that’s really in-depth and good to understand. I’ll try that tomorrow
But that’s happening in one month? It started like 4 weeks ago… I wouldn’t even know what connections to loosen. I’ll have to read a electric dictionary to understand your message, but thanks so much for your help and suggestions 😁
No that’s not it, but thanks for checking
Thank you so much. I can try that tomorrow. But I didn’t change anything about the cables since it started last time. I have a multimeter, so I guess I measure stuff.
Why not? Or at least if people are choosing a browser they might not see the benefits of Firefox and just see that chromium is more spread and thus more compatible and “user friendly” (whatever that means). If Firefox isn’t better than chrome, why not switch over to the bigger one…(?)
Could you elaborate please? I know I did that before but I’m blanking right now on everything -_-
Afaik after two seasons, the licensing changes and gets more expensive.
Ich bin ehrlich überrascht. Und wer ist PDF? Und nein, ich wähle trotzdem nicht Tierschutzpartei…
Who could have foreseen that?! That’s never happened before! UwU
I’m so sorry, Americans. I’m not sure who is even able to liberate your country. You and the Russians liberated the camps in Europe at the end of WW2, but who’s there for you? I think you might need to liberate yourself. Again. I’m sorry. Good luck
The cast of “piano man” by Billy Joel and don’t tell your players
You know what: that’s good. It might. Everything is changing and in flux
I’m taking this bait. This posture is not doing you any favours. It looks like you’re hunched over to show your abs. Kinda lame. There cool advice on YouTube on how to make good nudes when you have a dick. Maybe this
Ich will immer ein “Ha Ha!” Sticker auf jeden Tesla machen. Oder ein Bild von den Explosionen
beautiful shire it’s so peacuful and quiet. you can almost see some hobbits strolling around. amazing composition
Ohje Warframe. Ja ich habe auch mal ein paar hundert Stunden rein gesteckt. Und dann hab ich es vielleicht verstanden…
Ich habe im Sale gekauft: + Tunic: sehr süßer Fuchs, schwer.
Faschismus dient dem Staat. Polizei beschützt die Interessen der Reichen. Die Reichen sind Faschisten.
Well it always takes me forever until I get the time to work on it. I think I just measured all of the things you mentioned. Nothing beeped. Again, the battery is draining by the minute. Again I checked the main fuse and it’s fine. I’m measuring all kinds of things and don’t really know what I’m supposed to do with it. I measured the beeps with the battery connected and it beeped with basically every metal part. I measured resistance with the battery connected and got about 7 ohm between the battery and the metal parts. The DVM manual says it should be between 0-1 ohm. I don’t know anymore. I think I will message the mechanic who repairs the alternator. But it’s been really long now