Funny that since I’ve lost my 2000+ TB with 200+ ratio on a now defunct tracker, I’m reaaaaally conservative on my download as I only have a ratio of 33 on the new one. Yesterday I thought that fuck off, I have to download 190 TB to get to a ratio of 1, so let’s burn it before this tracker get down as well!
Thank you for explaining me how these weird keyboards are used. Very interesting even if I’m too old and not clever enough to even feel the necessity to try it.
Funny that since I’ve lost my 2000+ TB with 200+ ratio on a now defunct tracker, I’m reaaaaally conservative on my download as I only have a ratio of 33 on the new one. Yesterday I thought that fuck off, I have to download 190 TB to get to a ratio of 1, so let’s burn it before this tracker get down as well!