Now THAT should be in the Toot Oriole
Now THAT should be in the Toot Oriole
Oh, no! They’ve fallen for the “don’t pre-order” hype!
They don’t launch today
Yeah, that might be more accurate. Most of what I was thinking was in terms of MMORPG PvP arenas, or something like Sea of Thieves when you have two ships that get locked in a prolonged battle. Having one really good player going against a group of semi-coordinated average players can be a lot of fun, too! Like everyone ganging up on the really good Smash player (and still losing against them).
When there is no challenge at all, that’s when it gets dull.
100% agree! Sure, it might be disappointing if you spend 15 minutes in an intense back and forth before eventually losing, but it feels good! If one side is going to absolutely dominate the other, though, at least let it be over quickly.
I agree that it would destroy the reason many people use it, but they aren’t outlawing Signal specifically. What they are doing is arguably worse, but this isn’t an “anti-Signal” action.
Yeah, edit wasn’t there when I saw and started writing the comment. Was trying to give some hope, but seems like bringing to kennel/shelter and the chip “unfortunately cannot be read” would be the best option (unless you can adopt). Assuming the dog comes back sometime in the future.
Illegal unless they install the backdoors. They could choose to do that instead of leaving Sweden, but they are choosing to leave Sweden.
Not trying to dismiss your fears, because I’d feel very similarly, but just trying to offer an alternative. The dog could have been missing for a bit of time before she manager to get into the garden, and maybe she isn’t suited to fending for herself in whatever environment you live around. Dogs aren’t always able to fend for themselves if they are used to being fed by humans and then find themselves in the wild. If the vet didn’t mention anything about signs of abuse and it’s just from them being underfed and skittish, maybe she isn’t being neglected at home, she just hasn’t been able to feed herself since getting out.
The only part that weirds me out a little is that those are the only messages! OP will have to tell us, is this like a chat dedicated just to egg requests, or does their boss not message them with anything else over text, ever?
You could have written “sorry, watching a movie right now” and then stop responding or reading messages they send you.
Hell, even if you remove the “sorry” part of the message. At a certain point, you need to take accountability for how you write messages, despite being in a bad place mentally at the moment. Maybe they were frustrating you by continuing to message you while you were busy (and it does sound like they had prior knowledge you were busy with a movie), but it also requires that you were continuing to engage with them despite being frustrating. Nothing was preventing you from simply not responding until the movie was over.
Many of us never believed in American Exceptionalism, since we could see this country slipping backwards while the rest of the world continued to progress.
Is this not a generalization of sweeping generalizations?
Right? If what happens now is pre-open floodgates, I cannot imagine what it will be like once they open.
They cannot digest milk for the same reason as humans that are lactose intolerant. Non-dairy milk is a whole other thing, with their own concerns for health effects on cats.
Soda fountains keep being brought up here. If you order a soda with no ice, you typically get more soda. But that’s because the way the sods fountains fill is based on the volume in the cup, not the volume dispensed. The coffee machine in this post evidently measures based on coffee dispensed. If soda were dispensed the same way, it’s likely soda with no ice would also give you a less than full cup.
Also, don’t go insulting or blaming the worker in this instance. They likely have to follow the guidelines of the job or risk losing it. “Pre-programmed to not be able to problem solve”? Fuck right off with that. If the machine is set to dispense a certain amount of coffee, the worker would either need to press the button twice, giving away more product for free, or press it once and give a half-full cup. This has nothing to do with problem solving. Maybe the customer shouldn’t be pre-prpgrammed to expect more for less. I get the frustration of not having a full cup, but you’d only be getting a half-full cup with or without the ice in it. You are getting what you paid for.
Yeah… you’re be getting exactly the same amount of coffee you had been paying for before. Getting upset at how little that coffee amounts to normally is one thing, but getting upset with the notion that you are now getting -less- coffee is just silly.
My point is about the availability of used cards. Sometimes the market provides that, but they aren’t going to stop making new cards just because older cards exist.
Yet these are new and in production, where you can only find used or refurbished 1080tis
Like, no one is saying to upgrade to a battlemage card from a 1080ti if you already have one, but you can’t pretend there isn’t a market for it. And while they might not be fully there yet, having a competitive entey-level market for GPUs will only bring good things for budget PCs.
‘/s’ far predates karma and upvote systems