Maker mk37 maybe. I think it’s a Buck diver. Very efficient.
Maker mk37 maybe. I think it’s a Buck diver. Very efficient.
Bro, I’ve tried to Solder these aux boards and all I gotta say is much respect man. Super clean work.
I was gearing up to sell a bunch of stuff too, but BLF has a for sale section, I’m hoping this place picks up also. Facebook also has some groups that have a following. May start by posting a WTS post here.
Oh sweet, I’ll look into that. Did you order it as a gt-fc40 to get the boost driver?
Reach out to @Sakowuf_Solutions@lemmy.world
I don’t know if he wants me talking about price, but I will say its many magnitudes more powerful an useful than the $100 hanklight uv I got.
Nice, I have the sbt90.2 also, I love it. I want to get another k1, not sure what emitter tho, maybe w2 or sft 40.
Great photo. Cool concept. How are you liking the uv?
This is the way! You have 2 k1s i think that’s my favorite Hank so far. What emitters are you rocking?
Thank u. It is awesome, i tried Hanks mule uv and decided I needed a focused beam. This one did not disappoint.
It’s an RGB switch, I’m not sure if pink is an option, but I chose RGB just to try it. The other switches all match the emitter of the host.
The photo of pink and amber are at full brightness, the rest are at mid ramp.
Cool tech, why they use that shape tho? Is there a c/buttlight yet?