That is not something I have planned yet. But feel free to create a feature request: https://github.com/MarconLP/snapify/issues/new
That is not something I have planned yet. But feel free to create a feature request: https://github.com/MarconLP/snapify/issues/new
I think you mention a great point “eventually move away from it with growth”.
I lose out on potential optimizations, but benefit in speed and simplicity
The same argument goes for rust vs typescript explained in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Z4fZtSKlcE
Haha, I got this comment several times, including in my HackerNews launch: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36793767
What do you recommend?
Do you have plans to give snapify the ability to federate and share with others?
Could you explain what you mean by “federate and share with others”?
I am providing docker containers, although they are hosted on Github: https://github.com/MarconLP/snapify/pkgs/container/snapify
You can deploy snapify as a docker container using this command:
docker run -d --name snapify-web -e DATABASE_URL="" -e NEXTAUTH_SECRET="REPLACESTRING" -e NEXTAUTH_URL="http://localhost:3000/" -e GITHUB_ID="" -e GITHUB_SECRET="" -e AWS_ENDPOINT="" -e AWS_REGION="" -e AWS_KEY_ID="" -e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="" -e AWS_BUCKET_NAME="" -p 3000:3000 ghcr.io/marconlp/snapify:latest
Snapify works with any S3 compatible api. You could self-host min.io and use that.